Marriage is a scam these days anyway. As a man, with family courts stacked against us, there is little to gain and everything to lose from marriage.
Marriage is a scam these days anyway. As a man, with family courts stacked against us, there is little to gain and everything to lose from marriage.
Probably not to start with, but it is a future possibility. Trials bikes have to be as light as possible, so adding a front motor may not be worth the trade-off in weight.
(The ex is worth 7 figures; I couldn’t afford to go toe-to-toe with her, even if I had zero debt.)
Sure, but my experience just doesn’t reflect the conventional wisdom that a newer, more expensive car is actually more reliable than an old beater.
My friend’s dad, who lives in Lapeer, has a 2018 Chevy pickup with a Duramax. It continued to sputter and stall as he drove it yesterday, because it was so cold that the diesel fuel was gelling up.
Ill take a well maintained 200k mile car over a neglected 40k mile car in a heartbeat.
Driving an older, cheaper car is not an indicator for certain catastrophic failure, and driving a newer, more expensive car is certainly not an indicator for trouble-free motoring.
Why do kids and 40 miles a day mean no true beater? I’ve driven nothing but beaters that cost less than $2k on a 100 mile a day commute for 15 years. Roadside assistance is cheap.
How does it stack up against a new Gold Wing, or a new BMW K1600 Grand America? From both a practical touring perspective as well as power/handling/balance. $30k is a lot of dough and there’s a lot of good choices available for that price or less.
Neutral: Would You Buy a Harley?
The constitution says nothing about forms you commie!
Its right next to the part that guarantees free speech over the Internet and phone lines.
And yet handguns are constitutionally protected arms for private citizens to keep and bear as they see fit.
Nope, the wheels ruin it. Shrink em down to 16" and put beefier tires on, then you’re talking.
Not only that, but some 93 percent of all bikes in the US are currently in operation.
Slip is very easy to notice. Get it going on the highway in 3rd or 4th gear (whichever gets you into the highest torque band), going 70mph, and go WOT. If the engine revs up but the car doesn’t speed up, it’s slipping. If the revs increase with speed, and don’t drop immediately when you let off, it’s holding fine. If…
Owner thinks his truck weighs “at least 20,000" pounds.
To be honest, the synchros seem to peter out before the friction plate. On a few of my higher mileage stick shift cars, 2nd gear synchro was mostly worn out so you got a momentary grind from it if you tried to shift too quickly.
The friction plate is typically the first component to wear out in the clutch system and they usually don’t survive 150,000 miles under even the lightest of use.