
Corporate-sponsored eugenics. Dystopian future prediction: PROVEN

Fun, semi related trivia: the 1960 Valiant was marketed as its own single-vehicle marque, separate from Chrysler, Dodge or Plymouth. They put it under the Plymouth marque in North America the following model year (1961).

The more people who don’t tip, the sooner gratuity as a system will be phased out.

People are awful.

On really long drives (over 100 miles), I’ll put myself into a very upright posture with my neck craned back so my head actually rests against the headrest, for at least 15 minutes periodically. Helps my circulation and keeps me more alert.

You know, it wasn’t long ago that drinking at home was considered a sign of alcoholism, especially if you live alone.

Quassel IRC. Fight me.

So therefore the only reasonable option is to make big, huge trucks legal only if you are using them for work purposes. Because there is literally no reason why anyone would need one of these beastly machines for their everyday driving—and definitely not in the city.

The G159 was DESIGNED for urban delivery vehicles that would not exceed 65mph under any circumstances.

Fingerprints change over time.

This world did not deserve a man so exaltedly good as Fred Rogers. He was truly a saint on earth.

They don’t want to legalize gay marriage because libertarians think that government shouldn’t recognize any marriage. Government shouldn’t be involved in marriage at all.

There’s a big difference between libertarians and republicans. Libertarians are pro-choice, pro-drug, pro-LGBT, anti-racist, while also being pro-gun and pro-capitalism. Unlike either republicans or democrats, however, they are pro-limited government (NOT no government, that’s anarchism and a totally different

Star Lord is the main reason I don’t like the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. He’s an incredibly annoying macho wannabe ladies’ man.

We are both black. To that extent, I cannot be racist against him.

So much for drive free or die

Any place that doesn’t let me add seasoning to the food I’m paying for, is a place I am not revisiting.

If you like stainless but find that it taints the taste of your favorite beverages, why not roll with a titanium bottle?

If you like stainless but find that it taints the taste of your favorite beverages, why not roll with a titanium

I’ve never had a facebook account, and photos that include me, uploaded by my girlfriend to her fb account, apparently tag me as one of my uncles due to our similar facial features and structure. So yeah, if you don’t actually have an account with them, FB has at best an educated guess about who you really are.