
pull first lever back to go from first to second, pull second lever back for third, pull last lever back for fourth, ostensibly.

I love the execution of this. Put in a full cage, yet kept usable back seats. Kept the classy Rolls dash, yet put in a drag racing multi stick sequential shifter. Amazing work.

Yep. Nixon is remembered as a Bad Guy, despite all the good stuff he accomplished. Was he corrupt? Sure. So is every other president in recent times. Nixon just got caught.

Yeah if he actually needed to get rid of them fast, and wanted to see them get fixed and be on the road again, just put up an ad “Pick your car, pay $250 per ton, you haul it out”

I used to know a guy who worked with my mom at a grocery store, he had congenitally deformed hands with very long, spindly claw fingers. They were all fully articulable like normal fingers but about 50% longer and a bit thinner.

360 cubic feet is a lot smaller than 360 square feet.

They put diesel in it? WTF is wrong with people?

There are lots of bikes where you don’t want to lean back under maximum acceleration in first (and sometimes second!) gear, because the front end will come up. It’s a valid concern.

Yeah, parking BS is the reason I don’t visit big cities. Not worth the trouble.

You already CAN buy a tank. With fully functioning main cannon.

As long as soldiers need them, so too do free citizens.

You can’t buy this kind of publicity.

Yep, if 18 year olds can’t be trusted with guns, then they’re not adults. End of discussion.

Truffles are absolutely disgusting. So is caviar.

When I die, I want my body to be transported in a Gravedigger monster truck.

Gun owner here. Proponent of AR-15s and AKs and .50BMG rifles too. Military weapons are precisely what is protected by the 2nd amendment, which has nothing at all to do with hunting or sport.

For example, according to Jalopnik boss Patrick George, under the plastic panels inside a BMW E30, there were little hand cranks for the windows and sunroof in case the motors failed. I’m sure other cars of that era did that, too, but that’s a cool little piece of information.

One of my favorite games ever. I still listen to the soundtrack routinely.

The F-150 configuration you used for this could easily haul 2,000lbs of payload and still be safer in all ways than the little Mahindra is completely unloaded. Better acceleration, handling, braking, and collision protection.

I might own a ‘Busa some day, because from what I’m told, they are actually pretty comfortable for mid-distance highway trips. I also don’t give shit about the “image” that’s associated with them. They’re fun, very powerful, easy-to-ride, mostly reliable bikes. Used ones with some cosmetic damage are cheap and