
You think subprime auto lending is in a bad state now? Just wait until subprime customers can’t get a loan at all, shady or not.

Now playing

The death of the Viper is also a sad event for Corvette. Losing your closest rival can be just as painful as losing your closest friend (and sometimes, they are one and the same).

That chassis was never meant to have such a large engine shoehorned into it, making service really difficult.

Struck a deer at 35mph on my motorcycle about 12 years ago. Can confirm, it sucks. Hard.

Because Jag is making them, they are not replicas. New production yes, but they are as legitimate as the originals.

If they sold zero cars this month of last year, that means they’ve gained an infinite percentage increase on sales.

I appreciate the Milan for its machined-finish wheels which have stood the test of time much more favorably than the shitty peeling-chrome wheels that came on my Zephyr. And they’re cheap & plentiful at junkyards.

I agree, that road + that car + 40mph is WAAAY too dangerous for a non stunt driver. While beautiful, a Karmann Ghia is literally a deathtrap by modern standards. No shoulder belts, airbags, ABS, crumple zones. Hitting anything above 20mph in one of those is going to result in a hospital stay.

What a stupid thing for Tarantino to argue with his star actress over. He should have flown in a well-qualified vintage VW mechanic and his/her crew to have that car checked over and repaired to Thurman’s satisfaction before asking her to drive it at speed.

My mom’s 1995 Eagle Vision. I was 10 when we got it.

Thank you for pointing this out as a public service. Car enthusiasts can now safely avoid this city like the plague. I encourage anyone here who is in the market for a new home, send a letter to Minneapolis City Counsel explaining that they have lost a potential taxpayer because of these stupid laws.

By that dictionary definition, a Jaguar D-Type is not an automobile.

If I wanted a 3/4 scale mustang, I’d get one of these instead.

So, how much cheaper is the g159 compared to other heavy duty OTR truck tires in similar sizes?

Does not compute. There is no such thing as shame when it comes to automobiles.

I have a 50 mile (100 round trip) commute, and I don’t think I’d have a problem using even the lower rated new Leaf. But then I have house with a driveway and I could charge it every night.

33 year old homeowner here. Never financed or bought a brand new vehicle, and only last year decided to dip my feet into vehicle financing by taking out a personal, 24 month loan to buy a motorcycle I’d been wanting for years. I’ll have that paid off in 14 months, start to finish (it helps that the commute fuel

Any word on whether motorcycles and scooters will be excluded from the proposed congestion charges?

Suicide doors would have gone a looong way toward making this new car distinct from the MKZ, cosmetically.

If you have a pressure suit and oxygen supply, you can take a hot air balloon up to 70,000+ feet.