
Current Texas mile record is 278mph. I don’t think 300mph in a street legal package is that crazy of a goal.

Growing up, not only did I have the Hot Wheels Wienermobile, it was the fastest car on a track!

Power adjustable windscreen FTW. First-gen FJR1300 rider here.

It was 1997. We were returning home from a visit to Grandma, in my dad’s old ‘76 Suburban. We were taking it easy, just a nice sunday cruise on a sunny day, when a Ferrari 456GT came up behind us pretty quick. It was a simple two-lane rural road, so he was stuck behind us. I was wigging out as a 12 year old kid,

Yep, adrenaline

I skipped my graduation ceremony, and slept in instead. Picked up my diploma the next day.

I choose the third option: Bicycle pump and an hour of my time!

I choose the third option: Bicycle pump and an hour of my time!

Yep. From what I recall, the drivers were instructed to drive like they were in a sprint, not an endurance race. So they pushed the cars to 10/10ths and kept doing it for 24 hours, and those rotaries ate it up and asked for seconds.

I’d probably roll with Murcielago.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Bail enforcement is a known dangerous profession, and the two agents here certainly didn’t do themselves any favors strategically or tactically. Drawing down on their guy in a place full of bystanders and glass walls is stupid and dangerous.


The F1 has reached a point in value that fabricating a perfect, original specification replacement part from scratch in a machine shop is actually worth the money.

Lived to the ripe old age of 89. We should all be so lucky.

If you look at the speedometer on the bike right before he crashes, it shows 55 miles per hour. Even if he bled off some speed with the brakes, he couldn’t have been doing over 65. Hardly “flying” on a limited access freeway.

They already increased the production number once, they might do it again.

Vote: Sennheiser PXC 550 Headset

This whole article could be summed up with “Because Racecar”

You had me at front & rear locking diffs

The REAL question is, does the button summon the corn syrup garbage we domestically produce? Or does he get the Real Deal Mexicoke?? Oh the sweet irony if he does.

As bad as soda is for you, I could think of far worse substance addictions for the president to have.