
This engine was built to rev.

Counterpoint: My 1984 318i saved both my life and the life of my girlfriend when we were rear-ended by an early 90s F-150 doing ~40mph.

As long as the valves stay closed in failure mode, a camless engine would be far more fault tolerant than a cammed engine. Even if a few valves fail, the controlling computer could almost instantly compensate for it and keep the engine running on the remaining functioning valves. And no permanent damage like with a

The Cobalt Valkyrie-X doesn’t actually debut until 2017, at which time it will be one of the fastest planes in the world that still relies on a propellor instead of a jet engine.

Regardless of his politics, I like Joe because he’s one of us, a genuine car guy.

It’s possible that the global elite have finally positioned themselves favorably to the arrival and economic takeover of electric cars.

Just like every other declining industry, big oil must evolve or die.

In all seriousness, have we ever had an actual, bona fide gearhead president? I think Ronald Reagan was at least close, as he drove a Subaru BRAT around his ranch.

Scientific advancement is not like its portrayed in video games, you can’t just throw resources at a problem and magically fix it after a status bar fills up.

Comparatively little, because the fix is just a software update.

Electric parking brakes are most assuredly less expensive to manufacture and assemble.

The fact that it’s so desolate makes it a great candidate for a much higher speed limit (assuming the pavement issues aren’t too severe). 120mph speed limit or maybe even unrestricted for certain stretches will bring out a bunch of speed junkies who want to test their cars’ limits, and will happily pay a $10 toll to

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Yeah but the Miata’s engine isn’t this smooth:

If I had a spare $25k, I’d be riding the shit out of this.

They didn’t ruin relationships, they merely catalyzed a separation that would have happened eventually anyway.

Neutral: Can We Bring Traffic Deaths To Zero?

Replacing all that stuff with the engine outside of the vehicle, on a rotating stand, is almost like cheating.

In short, he lost a girlfriend over it, because it was either her or the car.