
Course confusion could pretty easily be avoided by using some kind of temporary spray paint on the pavement (and which will wash away with rain or a garden hose), why don’t autocrosses and such do that?

My gf is on the heavier side, and she loves to ride pillion with me. I’ll never admit it to her, but the bike feels crazy light after she disembarks.

Pilots: Don’t want attention drawn to themselves.

Finnegan and Freiburger would be proud.

The guy on the red bike looked almost ready to pass out at the end there. He definitely gave it all he got!

I feel your pain. I’m up to five vehicles, and for a time only had ONE that worked. I’m up to three which are currently registered and driveable (though one is very loud with an exhaust leak), one driveable but not registered and the last is not registered and broken. Three out of five ain’t bad!

I have to negotiate the beltway at least once a year, to get from PA to NC. I just leave at 11PM to hit the beltway at 3am, when I have six lanes pretty much to myself.

I avoid toll roads like the plague. Most people I know do, too.

Color me impressed. A hypermiler could probably squeeze 30 out of this rig, and even a lead footed bro will probably still average 20+.

Find a group of people who are interesting to talk to while everyone is sober. Problem solved.

I liked it better when it was named Zephyr.

For folks who like to keep a socket set with them, this dual head slim ratchet is amazing. Has 1/4" drive for most of the sockets you’ll need for motorcycle fasteners, and 3/8" drive for the spark plug socket and the one or two larger sizes you might want to keep around. And it’s super slim and lightweight.

6-in-one flathead/phillips screwdriver.

Looks like he hit pretty squarely on the front fender area, possibly placing the horn right into the wheel well. It also looks like the rhino hit the brakes a moment before striking, I wonder how much more he would have moved the truck if he’d hit it at full force?

It’s easier for folks to accept the probability of crashing, when they realize they can mitigate injury and damage. They also could stand to be encouraged to get back on the bike.

Bonkers and necessary. BMW carries the V12 torch into the future!

I live only a few miles from the I78 exit (and signs) pictured here. I’ve lived here since long before 2004, and have used I78 almost daily past this exit.

Yeah, I thought the whole point of autonomous cars was that they DON’T drive like humans.

As soon as that gun was pointed at me I’d have dropped to first and gotten the hell out of there. Don’t keep arguing with someone who’s angry enough to draw a gun at you.