
The nuclear stockpiles won’t go away until there is a 100% effective defense against nuclear missiles. Or until there is an even more powerful weapon (antimatter bomb?)

What I found most annoying about movie trailers/previews shown in theaters is that sickeningly low frequency/high decibel buzz that ALWAYS accompanies on-screen explosions and other events which I guess are supposed to be ‘loud.’ You know, the one that you can feel more than you can hear.

Where are you moving to?

This is a trick question. The real answer is ‘none,’ because everyone in high school was a douchebag to you and there’s no reason to spend a perfectly good evening on those wastes of oxygen when you could be doing something (anything) more relaxing or productive, such as getting a root canal.

This wins all day, every day.

Is it not possible to use sonar at frequences above or below that which would harm ocean mammals?

Seems like a logical choice of group activity for a woman who wants to get pregnant by any means necessary, at least.

McLaren P1, not F1.

What did they get off quickly? The wheel nut is the only thing I was referring to removing.

Not vise grips, but better:

This is why you need a 3/4" breaker bar and a 6 foot cheater pipe juuuust in case. Would make for a great photo op to see two or three pit crew guys jumping on it!

Not gonna lie, I was expecting the kid to get yanked off his feet.

I would describe the featured trans siberian highway concept to be ambitious, not necessarily crazy.

I don't think driving will ever be completely banned. More heavily restricted and becoming obsolete/not practiced anymore, sure. But in 100 years we'll still have people who drive vintage cars on the roads with their own eyes, hands and feet

it's an L05 350, throttle body injection baby! Didn't know they still did TBI in '95.

a 190hp 350? In an H1? That's gotta be comically gutless, the thing has to weigh at least 8,000lbs empty.

For those who cherish good oral health but who can't seem to fall into a steady brushing/flossing habit, STOP EATING/DRINKING SUGAR or high fructose corn syrup. If you drink nothing but water and avoid sweets, 90+% of tooth decay will be prevented. Cavities and tooth decay are indeed a first world problem, because of

Damn you and your logic!

But what about the poor schmucks who saw an M923A on Craigslist for $10 grand, but unlike the rest of us who drool over them for 10 minutes and then move on with our lives, they actually buy it (and win at life for a fleeting moment upon delivery)?

I like 6 wheeled trucks as much as the next guy, but I can't help but wonder how impossibly expensive tolls become for those who drive them, since tolls calculated for three-axled vehicles probably assume they're super heavy trucks (because most three axled trucks, well, ARE super heavy).