
Yeah I think this one just won.

That (frivolous) lawsuit and related correspondence could provide YEARS of compelling literature.

It must truly be an age of renaissance for ad men. Using Skeletor as a mascot/spokesperson for Honda? I'm still trying to wrap my brain around that.

With the P1's spectacularly high handling/acceleration/braking/grip limits, I can't think of too many scenarios that would involve a crash like this that weren't caused by ridiculously high speed and/or complete inattention to the road.

It's actually a Toyota FJ40, but thanks!

Hot Wheels are my favorite cheap toy. For $1, how can you beat this:

You were golden until you kept trying to run the car after noticing the top end noise and shaking. Should have investigated oil pump at that point, could have salvaged the flip. Better luck next time, eh?

How not to talk about divorce in your twenties: Don't get married in the first place.

I recorded the A and B clips in Audacity and compared. There was less of a difference between A and B, than recordings of A multiple times. This test is fraudulent.

Poverty has a lot of negative connotations; bear in mind that a single child being raised by a single parent who makes 30k per year, is considered 'living in poverty.' 30K per year between two people can net a pretty comfortable lifestyle.

Re: #2. Bring multiple friends if possible. Being armed is also a prudent idea if you live in an area where it's legal. Also, a fire extinguisher (especially for those Jalops among us who are showing up to look at 30 year old V12 British cars with spare Lucas wiring smoke in the glovebox).

So does this mean you're up to the challenge? Also you must keep a dash cam running for Youtube publication under the channel name "McLaren Malarkey"

Reading this article has convinced me of one thing.

When you need it, and don't have it, you sing a different tune.

Engineers, researchers, architects and lawyers do NOT require formal college education. They are certified based on standardized tests and exams which you do not need a degree to pass.

The best thing to take away from this is that college is NOT required to be successful, and can in fact be counterproductive to those who must go into debt to obtain a degree which, in today's job market, is almost meaningless.

There is just something so enchanting about driving (or seeing) a flat out race car on the streets.

Same. Was going to get one at $20, but at $47 no thanks.

Reliability is not always the same as longevity.

Needs Moar Flat-16