
Ok! Sorry to be so pedantic but I just bought a '95 530i a few months ago and learned entirely too much about E34s during the research phase. It was a really tough decision between an older 535 and a newer 530 (540s were just a bit beyond my price range). My condolences to anyone who had to give one up for a Camry

Was that 535i engine swapped? BMW discontinued the big six after 1992 (except in the M5) in all markets, the replacement was the M60 V8 in the form of the 530 and 540 from 1993 to 1995 model years (1996 introduced the E39). Just curious.

Jay might be hesitant to put his Garage show on TV, for the same reason he declined to be a host for the American Top Gear; he doesn't want sponsors to dictate what he can or can't say or review in the show.

The Knipex Cobra water pump pliers are specifically mentioned, but I also like to keep a Plierswrench with me. Such a fantastic tool. Knipex makes such awesome stuff.

Anyone know if the truck had those hydraulic struts, or if it uses a prop rod? Or does it use those beefy springs near the hinges?

This just in, heavy machinery can be dangerous.

Tow a train. Instant win, the end.

Lost me at 10:27, with a Ferrari F40 being at the back of the pack when it should be the fastest car there, by a wide margin. Unless they left the F40 and ONLY the F40 on street tires instead of slicks.

That 1911 was a .22lr conversion.

I know the average american driver would abuse/not handle it well, but I dream of Texas raising the limit on these new uber highways to like 150.

Fortunately, most toyobaru buyers aren't likely to read Consumer Reports.

The English word equivalent is "epicaricacy."

How is this even a question?

The Ford Model T sold new for $240 in 1925. Adjusted for inflation, that's about $3200.

Is there a link to any source confirming that it the car was doing 45 in a 45?

Toolbox with various assorted mechanical and electrical tools, and a small first aid kit. Gallon of premixed coolant, quart of oil. During the winter I keep my insulated overalls and a pair of gloves in there too. Top it off with a couple of flashlights, and I'm set for most eventualities.

1964 Ford Fairlane Thunderbolt. Total production of 100.

There's no motion blur because the projectile is coming straight at the camera, and isn't moving very much laterally or longitudinally.

This is a lovely business model. The only problem I foresee is that years down the line, when stuff starts breaking, there's no documentation on replacement parts or procedures. The owner would be stuck calling Icon for info.

Probably liability concerns. If he let you drive off in your recently-rolled car and then got into an accident because of a mechanical failure, you could sue the towing company for letting you drive off in an unsafe vehicle.