Headlights don’t bother you in your Miata because they go over your roof, missing your back window/rear-view mirror completely. =-p
Headlights don’t bother you in your Miata because they go over your roof, missing your back window/rear-view mirror completely. =-p
If I have a newer Ford HD truck behind me, I can’t see its windshield. Especially if he’s closer than he should be. The damn headlights are right at rearview mirror level and blinding.
Soon... truck hoods will be above the windsheild
There’s nothing wrong with skipping gears, but it is a bit harder on the synchros so match revs to make it a bit easier.
I thought it was just bad to skip upshifts, since you can’t use rev-matching to get the shafts to match speeds, so its harder on the synchros?
So yea. F if the synchros don’t like it.
Her friend FREAKED out, “Never downshift while moving!”
This is also why people double-shift on non-synchronized cars. Shifting into neutral, reengaging the clutch to the engine, matching revs to wheel speed, then disengaging the clutch and shifting into the desired gear is basically just using the engine as the synchronizer.
what does “Smogged” mean?
Who the hell was this car to tell me—Jason Fucking Torchinsky—when I can or can’t drive with the top down?
Did the NB have a temp warning in the handbook? I know my NA did - I think the temp limit was something like 40°F - if it got much colder the plastic window would break
A cow is a female of said species which has had at least one calf, which the gargantuan specimen above is not per the linked WaPo article.
I know everyone hates the NC, but I don’t give a shit. I love this car.
Jesus that looks
This is truly the dumbest thing a dealership can do. Period.
It does piss me off when going somewhere that has winter and the rental cars have all season tires in winter.
“They have product that is in demand.”
3. Why did “Japanese delivery” never become a thing like the “European delivery” packages most Euro manufacturers offer?
And neither set of wheels needs to “break loose”, you just need one end of the vehicle or the other to not behave as expected.
But lets say you have a Subaru Crosstrek on summer tires in this light snow. Would you still be ok?