
Anything a Police Department Posts to Facebook Is Propaganda

Thanks for the info, Bernays.

I hate these posts. They are always full of charged language and misleading statements like “in a rare admission that life isn’t paradise within its border.”

And in the comments, everyone just rolls out to verbally shit on North Korea without any historical knowledge of what is going on there.

This is not accurate.

Although you are correct on this point, the first amendment is still not involved as far as I can tell.

My wife’s SE is pretty sharp at that pricepoint.

he T

I'm sure this exists, but where I live, it is the reverse and it is very hard for people under 40 to get decent jobs.

I also bought a PS3 for No No Kuni. Actually, I bought the No No Kuni PS3 with the little picture of drippy on it.

Russian hipsters are into fitness clubs and New Balance shoes, so you are a bit off.

I just watched this last weekend and was only dissapointed in one way: with such a focus on the 80s culture, content, and style, shouldn’t the monster have been made with practical effects?

Any other thoughts?

Also I am a bit surprised that the second season is continuing the story. I really thought this would keep it

Something less lame.

Cool! New issues of WildC.A.T.s!

Guess who has 3 tink masks? I have them. But no SoD (but they aren’t special anyway).

Had? It’s still a huge problem.

I really wonder how God Emperor of Dune would work out. It’s such a psycho-sexual book and it talks about how men are useless because all they want to do is fight and fuck.

There is so much space in that shitty and uncomfortable sofa, that someone put a crappy folding table there. Great!

Novak is really digging his heals into the “Idiocracy is literally advocating eugenics” position.

Keep hammering away, Matt.

You’re wasting your time here trying to explain this to a bunch of people that clearly want to have information and opinion spoon-fed to them by people that have been spoon-fed information crafted by PR organizations.