
Please be in the next beach volleyball game!

Because all the other aspects of these characters and their abilities are accurate

I don’t think that this is a viable comparison...

Yet the sow a seed shows are still on TV.

All my loans are already like this. Forgiven in 10 years for public service and such.

This kind of speech in casual conversation is the problem because it normalizes it for use in other situation.

This begs a question. It needs to be argued why normalizing and redefining a word is problematic.

Idiot and retard have similar histories. Rarely would people associate idiot with a mental condition and even

We’re not confused school children anymore, we’re adults.

Jeff Monson, the former UFC heavyweight contender and social worker who moved to Russia and now finds himself in RT articles decrying American imperialism.

This doesn’t seem all that crazy compared to the others. Certainly not conspiricist/truther level.

Then again, I don’t know the guy or what he talks about. Maybe

This isn’t bad, but not their best. Knife Man, however, is perhaps one of the greatest albums ever conceived.

Any AJJ (formaly Andrew Jackson Jihad) post is a good post.

AJJ is just about the most sincere band there ever was. I mean, they even changed their name just because of feelings basically...

People whining about 40-person raids.

You cite Heroic Lich King, but I think the real challenge started with Sunwell. I can’t remember which fights, specifically anymore. M’uru and KJ, for sure.

Fahey calls these “food” during the video. Is that an error?

But someone isn’t infringing on his title. Rifleman is not being changed.

I dunno. The comment didn’t strike me as “crybaby.” It seemed more like general criticism, viable or not.

Of course men spend less time doing housework. Women are the ones that buy all the china dolls, commemorative plates, dining hutches, and kitchen appliances.

In my mind, panty shots are a super-cliche anime trope that has more to do with comic relief than sexual fanservice.

Zootopia wasn't anything special, but neither was Inside Out, so I think your primarily just suffering from a case of personal taste.

I don’t understand why this isn’t a regular column. It was refreshing to read a review that is not merely critical but comes from a critical consciousness towards driving altogether.