
Not to say that it was funny or noteworthy, but your comment is clearly a joke and it makes perfect sense. I have no idea what any of the people responding to you are talking about.

It looks a bit like a pillow, but it is more of a pillow substitute.

It looks a bit like a pillow, but it is more of a pillow substitute.

This is actually the only character I recognized, which I think is a good thing.

Why would you change something as pedantic as this? Especially if your editor added it?

I disagree completely. Instead of explaining their censorship the way NIS America did, companies should have good reasons and give good explanations. Most the reasons given here are nonsensical or deeply flawed.

It seems to me the issues with the art, dialogue, and semantics are straw men. When we believe that the

I don’t know much about LEGO sculpture building, but I would guess that it would be far easier to fill with a foam. Also, do you glue the pieces together? I thought people did, but maybe that’s just from watching the LEGO movie.

Same here. Low carb can be a bit “boring” but it is so very effective on so many positive health indicators.

Although I wasn’t a member of a test audience, I’m one of those people that is real skeptical about the movie. I didn’t enjoy the preview at all and my initial reaction was to think that it looked like it was going to be a pretty generic film.

I know someone that named their kids these two names.

Instead of releasing a fake cartridge, they should have released a real Dreamcast game, or something.

I thought it would be real. Why not?

That was a very funny episode.

I wouldn’t say that they were my patients. We just dealt with people that had needs related to sports medicine.

This isn’t 100% related, but I nearly always play healers in PvP games because it always seems that one decent healer is worth two to three decent damage dealers (I say decent, because 1- not great and 2- one great healer is probably worth one and a half great damage dealers).

Although I have little knowledge of bra sizes, I want to support your assertion.

In general, no clothing sizes will be the same ever. Shoes are perhaps the best example (next to bras?) because they are clearly numbered, but those numbers don’t really mean much anymore.

This may not be related, but while working in the sports medicine field I would often be told that this-or-that “feels so much better,” despite the fact that this-and-that was, in fact, destroying their bones and muscles.

This is an interesting comment. I hadn’t thought about Warren because I relate her to Sanders, but she is clearly more of a Democratic figure than Sanders. I imagine she could easily have more positive ratings than Clinton.

The example I’ve used, however, is Jill Stein. There are numerous Sander’s supporters that have

I’m not saying that the Brooks column is all that good, but it seems pretty clear that his central thesis involves people response to her hard-working image.

Great comment. Very true.

I use the adjective “affable” on my résumé.