
The only problem with Grandia is that at a certain point in the game, there is no challenge left because your characters are too strong.


Yeah, that is what occurred to me.

You don’t have to turn any over. The only card that has a vowel on one side is B, and it has an even number on the other side: 4.

You should have fucking known it was going to happen.

Curiously, the Downtown timeslot is one of the few timeslots where if you turn on a your TV, you might see some fan-servicy anime... Maybe.

I’m not sure what gave you that impression.

I’m not sure what framed your oppinion on this, but Japan is arguably more conservative then the USA.

The media exports from Japan are not a perfect representation of Japan’s culture.

What I’m saying is that you’ve got to give everyone a chance to arrive at that place on their own. Some might not ever do so, though. Can you still be buds?

“But” often comes in the middle of a sentence following an independent clause. Also, I think you are being pretty hard on this particular coordinating conjunction. It has many uses that aren’t associated with lying!

I really liked Olivia Munn and Kevin Pareira on Attack of the Show, but I feel like neither of them have any other way to be entertaining.

These are actually the least important parts of his CV when talking about activism and civil rights.

The new opening AND ending are a bit “meh.” We skip them every time.

The Wakaba Girl opening is very fun, but I’m not sure it is Richard’s style.

Even if Greg is correct, it’s way to early to know the stats and effects of these events.

You are correct. BLM intentionally targeted Bernie Sanders to go after his audience because they have the closest position to BLM.

Sanders wasn’t really seen as all that serious a candidate until Black Lives Matter blew him up, causing white progressives all over the country to take notice, take umbrage, and inevitably take his side.

Back in the day, the (female) gender was made very explicit, as it was perceived by the creators to be the most important trait of the character.

I was stuck on this island after that one on the left ate my wallet.

This is a very, very stupid argument to make.