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I'm not sure "superflat" pop into my mind when I see those posters, but here a fun little primer on superflat.

Oh, I guess it was a winter season anime.

Didn't think about that because the episodes are so short. I can't remember when I started to watch them!

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"with a bit of dubstep"

Those are just breaks.

The only openings and endings this season that I never skip are the ones from Seiki-kun.

It is also worth noting that this type of thinking is the basis of capitalist theory: that it is a natural order.

Still, as much as I have doubts that we inherit any significant amount of behavior differently in certain ethnic groups, you can't say "no we don't." There simply isn't enough evidence that we do, but we


When I saw the concept art, and read that this was going to be "animated," I wasn't expecting another 3D, fun-for-the-whole-family, bullshit film.

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Mondegreens? Nope: Joey just don't care.


Christians in the South are the worst. I was often asked by people in North Carolina about Dungeons & Dragons' satanic elements.

Also, if you dig audiobooks, try out the one for Dune. Very well done.

I dig the inclusion of Ryoko, but I'm not so sure about Asuka. In the series, she tends to be a mess.

If you are trying to add to the list by seeing some new shows, you must add Iria and A-Ko.…

Yeah, I thought this was odd. Wolverine was in the Avengers.

Also, I'm not sure why Fox would have to "let go" of the X-Men for this to happen. Seems like they could just strike up a deal.

Because it is pretty bad.

So, how far will Tyrion's plot deviate from the books?

First thing I thought when I saw this article was "isn't this old new."

Old news.

I actually thought the "Mario Kart 8 feels different" was an odd comment.

Almost every Mario Kart [I've played] feels extremely different. Mario Kart 64 is a tight race game with amazing battle tracks, Double Dash is combat racing overload with smooth sliding (no jumps, if I recall). Mario Kart DS was a technical

This all seems fine, but this lack battle mode with unique tracks is a puzzler...

Agreed. I would imagine that it is one of his most famous works due to the publicity.

When my friends come over to drink, motion control follows shortly after.

"First, a definition. By "scientific racism," I mean any argument that relies on allegedly scientific ideas — whether genetics or phrenology — to claim that some racial groups are naturally superior to others."

This is a broad definition. For centuries, certain ethnic groups were certainly seemed superior in terms of