
Not us this is the ending that is being discussed in the article.

"A lot of idiots complain about the ending of neon genesis."

I guarantee this guy came to the USA under a waver, won/made money, and then didn't claim it for tax purposes.

I always thought the LD version was fine:

All for Yui, or not?

Cabbit takes the win.

Finally! An American version of 1970s and on anime.

Well, Kill La Kill isn't a short film.

Didn't Giant God Warrior appears in Tokyo come out in 2012?

"Even Bobby Fisher thought Chess was boring."

I didn't watch any of these top 5 other than Attack on Titan. I liked the first few episodes of SNAFU and Hentai Prince, but they really lost speed after only a few episodes (SNAFU being the stronger of the two).

Every campaign I run still incorporates Spelljammer.

I just love it.


Did you even read the Cloakmaster Cycle?

The whole anime is a series of heists:

No film theory folks in this thread?

No talk of Joseph Campbell?

I never thought Muad'ib had to die.

"All fantasy stories depend on rules, to some extent — without a sense of how things work in the world and what makes sense to the people who live there, you can't be blown away by the fantastical elements."

Yet people LOVE Harry Potter.

"Kai from the Dutch island (Deshima)"

You may have missed an implied fact: he was playing Fire Emblem 24/7 until June.

Wow. I thought Leitch was spot on. It was a very "real" moment due to the dialogue and cinematography.

Great scene in an otherwise forgettable film.