
cuz they’d cuff an 80 year old woman too. They don’t know if she might have a gun in her purse. Safety for the cops first and all. They should also take a baby from their parent in the same situation then cuff the parent without checking to see if the baby is ok. Parent might be trying to kill their kid after all.

*Looks in driveway*
Yup he’s right.

LOL sign are merely sugestions and the world knows it!

Mitsuoka has been doing it right for so long.

I say good Madam,

Not surprised in the least.
“Power tripping a-hole too embarrassed to admit he was breaking the law arrests the other guy to take the blame.”

G, that’s at least a 3rd into the car maybe only a 5th of space in the back is non punctured. Repair costs are going to be going on forever.

i see. many thanks for the info.


It’s a question of military entanglement much earlier or what we have now. Hillary would have been all for attacking anything that breathed in our direction, trump is just a complete moron on a vanity trip. Pick your poison, both are bad for you.

two things:
1. What would be a good replacement transmission or is it not possible because of packaging?

it’s a very neat design, not sure about the cleverness.

I really like it but something seems off...

Whenever i see something like this and “being PC” s brought up by one side i always think what they really mean is “They wouldn’t let us say or do borderline hateful/moronic stuff so f them; amirite?” Like cut it out and take your edginess to the cliff (get it? Cuz a cliff is an edge, so being edgy on the edge is...

ah ok a hesitation on a spotter call makes sense to me.

yet also highly accurate.

I’m rootin for ya. Nothing like a project that costs too much and is barely on time. Always something to learn and the end result is usually enjoyable.

My question is how did the 3 car think he had enough room to cut the guy off? They practically live in those cars, the dimensions can’t be that hard to figure out. Plus with the pack right behind them the safer play for 3 would have been to ride the corner right next to the dude who passed him, letting him cut the air

My dude sticking out the side of the boat 26 seconds in like they’re rollin up the the curb and don’t wanna scratch their rims xD

why would u scar me with this image. My eyes hurt now T.T