This was really cool. I had an idea of how they did it but actually seeing them do some of the process was even better.
This was really cool. I had an idea of how they did it but actually seeing them do some of the process was even better.
from my childhood, a 4 eyed celica with a 3sgte.
it’s a beautiful paint job reguardless. Sections up the car into sizable chunks and draws the eye smoothly.
i thought the context of the main twitter dialog was pretty clear. no dog whistles, just people wanting it to be and people reacting to those people. A twitter circle jerk, if you will.
This delusional denial is absurd
i really do like that puffy mustang. it’s a shame the probe doesn’t look as much like it as it could have.
You’re right though, the fancy concept cars that blow imaginations have been replaced with luke warm design studies and a singular strong character line.
I have to agree with you 100%. The first episode made me feel like “Oh this show is gonna be so much better than other drag race shows like “pinks” but each episode just featured one slightly more irritating guy than the last.
I have to say though that i really respected the chrome lambo dude cuz he was ostentatious…
If mercedez and Ferrari leave F1 that would say a whole lot more about their edge than their previous victories.
I need one of those for my bike.
My kind of builder! Know what you like, take what you can get, create what’s possible.
Now i really want one and build it for 400 horses 350+ twist.
I hope, one day, to be as happy as that driver surely must have been.
I’m down to clown if this thing really sounds that ludicrous.
some of the smoothest shifting I’ve ever seen though o.o
i like when people mash things together like this. It shows craftsmanship whether or not you actually like it. It’s also the truest expression of automotive love, “Build what you want, don’t care about what others say.” People hold similar negative opinions on ratrods to be fair. “They spent so much time and money on…
I love the work that went into this!