
I forgot to mention that this is an update to what we were talking about last week

Update: I played myself, he's dating some girl, and I'm currently looking for a way to remove the emotion centers of my brain.

So a few months ago I got blackout drunk at a party, but before I started puking I got in my feelings and admitted to a friend that I'm in love with a mutual friend of ours. I've spent all summer thinking about it, and I feel like I actually do have feelings for this dude on some level, but at the same time I can't be

Lemonade, every time I watch/listen to it it's like I'm seeing/hearing it for the first time. Like….she really DID that, it completely blows my mind.

you make it sound like they're equal, have you seen Lemonade? She's going to win all of those awards

A moment of silence for Defiance, that would've aired at 8

"a minority-owned business under siege from the roving rich"

I stop listening to Lemonade halfway through because I'm too immature to accept Beyoncé's message of forgiveness, I'd rather take a bat to a New Orleans neighborhood and call it a day

Open Forum: Given recent events I have a question: What piece of pop culture do you derive strength from? What do you absorb when you feel scared or alone?

no, the general public makes stupid decisions

They could always change the ending, they could change whatever they want…within reason

I'd love to see Mass Effect as an animated TV series but that would never happen seeing as it's ratings would be cut in half after Virmire

1. The idea that black people have to act a certain way from them to be considered black

I had to double check to be sure, but I can't believe this guy was actually featured on a Beyonce album

I knew where Catherine was going, but I was honestly expecting her to get fed up with her mother ignoring her and just yell "Mom, I'm Gay!"

Did you see Hit The Diamond too? It's so adorable!

As if beyoncé would join another girl group

Wait, what? God finally showed up in Supernatural? I thought his whole thing was that he didn't care? wait…why do I care?

If you look it up you'll find hundreds of articles on the subject

My problem is that thug is a thinly veiled substitute for the n word