
Yes, in the early years of the automatic the patterns differed from manufacturer to manufacturer but eventually the PRNDL became universal... and now we are here in the glorious techno-utopia of the twenty-first century and they’re screwing around with the layout in all sorts of ways again. Was the driving public

Every now and then someone has managed to design and build an aircraft that suffers from aileron control reversal due to insufficient torsional stiffness of the wings. Often it has happened when a critical speed has been reached: below that speed everything is normal, above it instead of the ailerons rolling the

Just try riding a motorcycle with a sidecar - the steering changes if the sidecar wheel lifts off the ground. When the sidecar wheel is on the ground it steers like a tricycle, when the sidecar wheel is in the air it steers like a solo motorcycle. It can be interesting...

I want to know the pickup driver’s story. It looks like after the first pass attempt he thought that maybe the trucker simply hadn’t seen him in time and hadn’t intentionally changed lanes into him. Then when it happened the second time he realized the driver was intentionally trying to take him out and after that he

Not only will he perform, he won’t just phone it in either - he will do the best job he can with the material. “Jaws: The Revenge” anyone? I can’t help but respect him for that.

“Cheating in NASCAR is part of what makes things fun”

I have to admit that I have an inexplicable interest in British cars of this era. Motorcycles too. There’s something fascinating about how so many of them started out with high aspirations on the part of the engineers and slowly turned to rubbish by the time they had wended their way through the system and into the

On the Capri you could switch the ignition off without locking the steering column. I know this because the throttle in my 1974 Capri (my first car and a real pile by the time I bought it) stuck open on me. I put the clutch in, switched the engine off and came to a stop on the side of the road. Kludged the faulty

And things like Minis, great fun though they were (and are) would be sheer hell if you were to use them to do something such as drive across the prairies. Almost as if different types of cars suit different driving environments and societies. Funny that. Next someone is going to tell me that English varies in spelling,

I loved Car & Track when I first saw it as a nostalgic rerun in the late 90s. Hell, it even made NASCAR racing look interesting!

I wonder if it had the German made Cologne 2.8 V-6? The one in my friend’s Capri didn’t tap like that... but it did shed the fiber teeth of the cam drive gear one day.

Yeah, the British would never have put a vinyl roof on a car in the 70s:

Showing that picture is just cruel! I’ve wanted a fastback coupe Miata ever since seeing the first M coupe concept car. Just when I thought they were going to actually do it, the tantalizing silhouette they showed turned out to be a contraptionalized, electrified version of the C3 Corvette coupe. That picture is the

That explains it. That’s rough though, $4K markup!

And he stole Harvey Birdman’s shoes.

When was this? I looked at WRX’s a year and a half ago and here in the Vancouver suburbs the window sticker prices were MSRP at the dealerships - certainly no markups.

Needs 45 degrees of negative camber and a custom set of 30" gold Texan Wire Wheels Giraffe Pokes.

I hear he has an evil brother whose Satanic name is Goodyear G159.

Vandal! I’ll have you know I made my Matchbox XJ-S into a convertible the proper and elegant way: with a hacksaw.