
You can appreciate characters without liking them. Characters with only likable traits are not likeable. Chock it up to emergent properties.

Do you get your jollies off on victimizing yourself?

"I've grown pretty tired of the romantic lives of teenagers. You can find that dullness anywhere, from MTV to the CW."

And that demonstrates how pathetic Finn is. This isn't just pining. "All Gummed Up Inside" was pining (which, oddly, I disliked that episode myself, while liking this one). It's one thing to pine all alone, it's another thing to meet up with your ex when she needs help and to be a total embarrassment and completely

I think it was just you and people like you. Finn being useless and embarrassing also seems to put a lot of people off for stupid reasons.

WHEN did Finn make progress as far as romance went? Only progress he had was with the grass sword. Otherwise, he has been in the ditch for quite a while.

I feel 100% opposite of you about this show. Damn everything if they revert to the simpleton formula of season1.

" I think these things sort of detracted from what would have otherwise been a great episode."

I love it. Takes so much guts to show the folly of the main character and show them in a light where they seem useless relative to everyone else. It's fantastic.

Your comment didn't really work out, as I have no idea what the hell you're trying to say.

This "free will" schtick I'm seeing here is so stupid.

Your putting a lot of your own assumption into that whole "one item" bit. This is the first time it's mattered, but it very rarely matters for people who are actually colorblind. That was the point.

Yes, run your comments through cappadocius in the future please. No joke!

The pacing was great. The tension was gone, but not lacking, because not every episode needs tension. I see a lot of people here can't handle non-archaic plot progression.

Nah, it actually develops it further. Because if you think humans (or candy people) are unidirectional consistently consistent beings than what bloody planet are you living on?

I had the opposite reaction. I loved this episode. If they were nonstop like this it would get repetitive and dragged on, but an occasional episode where no action takes place and the resolution feels very backseat ended up being extremely fresh.

Those are such shallow "flaws" and have already been covered in season 1 and 2 to some degree anyway.
As kids develop they do tend to erase over parts of their old personality - this portrayal has been really good and I hope the continuing development and eventual "redemption" is just as good.

Teenagers are selfish pricks. Characters with flaws are more interesting than those that are simply lovable.


Eh, authorial intent doesn't hold much ground on vague stuff like this. I got a vibe that while the video would do zero to convince anybody it could be Walt if Hank treats it as evidence, Hank does think it's likely to be Walt. Hank felt confident enough about punching Walt in the face after all.