
I actually felt that it wasn’t trying to show Brienne as a character reduced to a weeping mess when the one she loves leave her, but as a person who cares deeply about someone who struggles with a toxic and destructive addiction (Cersei) and can’t seem to break free of it.

I....had to skip over that part honestly....I mean, I’m all for Arya becoming a strong character and going after what she wants, but I have a hard time seeing her as a young woman - she still seems like a kid in my eyes 😅🤷🏼‍♀️

Right?? You’re fucking outraged that people are calling you cheaters for...cheating??? How do you think the people who actually worked their asses off to get in to those colleges feel about your selfish, entitled choices??

This is so disappointing

This show is my guilty pleasure...even when Meghan and sometimes Abby are spouting off ridiculous arguments, it’s like I can’t look away. So glad that Whoopi is on the mend and will be back soon :)

I'm gonna cry my eyes out when this series ends

it really does make the game more fun 😳😅☺

Exactly. Those MAGA hats and clothing are now considered symbols of racial prejudice and hatred, so if you are claiming you aren’t a racist, don’t fucking wear them!!


Exactly, and his base will eat it all up..who needs proof when you've got the omniscient statements from overlord Trump 😒

he’s so scuzzy-looking 

She is a breath of fresh air in a world inundated by the likes of the K-fam and their obsession with how tiny their waistlines are...


She’s such a garbage human being

THIS. How is it a negative to teach kids about consent, even if it's against a family member? 

As a teacher in Ontario, what Ford is doing to education is infuriating. The Conservatives have argued that the new sex-ed curriculum goes too far in teaching kids to masturbate (wtf, it doesnt!!) and shouldnt teach things like consent or how to deal with cyber-bullying or sexting in an age where these are real

While I dearly love my boyfriend, I’ve had some similar challenges with getting him to really understand why this is such a big issue for many women..he supports my feminist opinions, yes, but I also feel like some of it doesn’t matter to him because he’ll never have to deal with sexual harassment bullshit