Asuka Langley Soryu

He's an original character like Rickey Rouse or Monald Muck.

I don't think people who feel the ending ruined the series were so much invested in the idea of who the mother was, but more invested in not having 9 some-odd seasons of character and story development hand-waved away.

Could Onion Inc have gathered a more joyless group of beardo's for this activity?
*reads AVClub comments*
Comment rescinded.

Don't turn around! oh, oh, oh.

That's because when Matt Groening was in this kabuki play about the 47 Ronin, he wanted to be Oshi, but they made him play Ori.

Hey, pal, that's my face up there next to the pepper steak, and don't you forget it.

Now you know why the floor was so sticky.


Alright, who invited The Oatmeal here?

Hardly. This is CLEARLY a Hetero interspecies relationship.

I'm contractually bound to comment on this.
Take your "anta baka?" and get out of my sight!

I can't figure out which I care less about: How some eats their steak or how someone dresses their hot dog.
It's a struggle.

Your clue to the flag's designer is cleverly encrypted into its own name.
You're thinking of the Join, Or Die cartoon.

Steve Orlando is quietly becoming a treasure.

*clutches tightly to Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog reference*

Nice try. Everyone knows that the ultimate gateway to Indian food is Red Dwarf.

And it doesn't help that Marvel over-shipped some titles last month.

But does it come with a new hat?

*nods approvingly*

Wow, this comments section is as slow as…the sales for Shade the Changing Girl!!
No need to applaud everyone, I'll let myself out!
*hangs self*