astronaut delights

Didn’t think this through.... go ahead and flag it as spam if you like.

Juste spoiled Got for me, I am very sad and angry towards you. Please be carefull about that in the future.

everyone should do it. the internet was, on further reflection, a bad idea.

McShay didn’t say it directly, but I his point was that this guy is going to have a hard time because he’s a rat. Knowing just a little of what goes on in the NFL makes me suspect that his teammates and management will have concerns about his ability to keep his fucking mouth shut. If you you are going to break the

you are taking this the complete wrong way. do you honestly think that being completely truthful at all times with everyone in the media is good for him and the dolphins? should he answer media questions honestly when they ask him how they construct game plans are, how team injuries are healing, or whether or not he

But by not lying he also threw his old coach under the bus. It pains me to say this, but I almost agree with McShay here. The right thing to do would have been to just admit to having made mistakes in the past, say that he hasn’t really had time to look at the posts, point out that this is part of a scheme to

To be fair, I think Berman is used to saying, “This has never happened before. I swear.”

That’s an end-game problem, when it comes to diversity. However, what is being done now is just forcing companies to consider people they weren’t going to consider in the first place. Is some of it due to bias? Sure. That being said, I believe that a major company looking to hire the BEST employee, would do so.

Wait till you hear her music.

Bring in relegation and you’ll have a decent product.

(As a left-of-center lawyer, I really wish you wouldn’t dismiss this as anything like a long shot to appeal - although given the make-up of the Court, and the likelihood the case may be heard while there’s still a 4-4 split, which would preserve the 2nd Circuit’s ruling, Brady has very long odds to *win* the case.


Okay, that makes sense. But then why were the Sand Snakes there? Who would be stupid enough to bring them along? Or how did they get there ahead of the ship?

I thought Trystan went to King’s Landing with Myrcella and Jaime to join the Small Council? What was he doing still in Dorne?

The lady is not Travis’s sidepiece, she’s his fiancée.

Why was the anchor for the yellow team the anchor for the yellow team?

Personally think they're disgusting, but I've had multiple friends in both Michigan and south Florida (Naples/Fort Myers) drink these in multiples. So yes, people most certainly "choose" to drink them for more than a lack of options.

Come to Minnesota. It is a drink ordered fairly often. Mainly from a college aged crowd.

It’s kind of surprising that the most brand-roboty thing she could have said ends up being one of her more relatable moments. Isn’t she 23? I think my favorite cocktail then was “something clear with something fruity.”

It has nothing to do with the interference call. Look at that girl’s reaction. I know a sidepiece when I see one.

The theatre: where fans are deliberately placed to where they can potentially interfere with the play.... then get kicked out of the theatre for interfering with the play, as if the possibility of it happening never even occurred to anyone before.