
I need to vent so bad. Not yesterday Sunday, but the one before, my husband and his mom decided without mentioning it to me that my MIL should drive 10 hours to my 2 bedroom apartment and stay with me to “help” me get the kids back to school. No one asked me if I wanted or needed that.

Seven days ago, my husband and I found out that his son was molested by his ex wife four years ago. Every day we have had a new, horrible hurdle thrown at us. Tomorrow is the meeting with the forensic psychologist to see what the boy remembers and a medical exam with full blood tests to see if he contracted any STDs-

There is one training standard. The women who made it through went through the same shit as the men, so you can take your straw man and go home.

Been doing the Homeowner Thing lately, and trying to get stuff accomplished. I finally dug out the grass and made a flower bed, even put stone pavers for edging. I am wondering:

I buried my father on Thursday. I was supposed to work part of my shift with the goal of staying until 10:30. I did not make it that long because I actually got to see him on Wednesday. Until that moment, it was like a really bad dream but then there he was and it was all too real. They sent me home - Big Foot had

Happy Saturday Jezzies! Last week you guys were so helpful - I ended up going out and getting my septum pierced because so many of you told me not to be a chicken, and you all were right. And it didn’t hurt and I LOVE IT. I’m in law school (I know, I know, but I am patent bar eligible with a hard bioscience degree so

If someone is a vegan crossfitter which do they talk about first?

I know she does crossfit. Because, like every other person who does crossfit, she feels a need to tell people that she does crossfit.

That’s good to know, the adapters aren’t incredibly expensive so I’m def leaning toward the a6000 now.

Holy shit, NO. I am a mother of many, and THATZ NOT OK. Jesus, people.

Bless my soul have I got a story!

Girl scout camp in the 90s. We were supposed to be orienteering, and my troop went rogue when we named ourselves the amazons, found a ken doll, and sacrificed it in the name of feminism. Yes, I was a misandrist before it was cool

Wait... are you comparing slaughtering animals for food to actual human slavery? You don’t see how that analogy is really, severely fucked up?

But seriously — I’ve hiked in this forest near JPL; how do you wind up lost? The average Target is more confusing and harder to navigate than the fire roads they had us using. And we were basically never out of sight of other hikers. Must have been SOME date.

Mmmmmm that Trappist blueberry jam is the reason I can't keep bread in my house. I would just eat blueberry jam on toast forever.

When nuns are admitted to Heaven they go through a special gate and are expected to make one last confession before they become angels.

Yessss, finally.

Is there a legal aid society in your area? You can look online for one. Many have a family law unit, and if you meet the income qualifications, they will help you for free. The lawyers there are usually top notch, so don’t think you are settling just because you aren’t paying for their service. Hope things all work

Hey Jezzies, I’m looking for some bad neighbor advice. My apartment is facing a lightwell (basically an enclosed alleyway), and the neighbors across from me are a different building with a different management company. One of them has a band, and that band practices so loudly that I can hear them over my noisy window

Is there a children’s/domestic law center in your area? Or a law school? I volunteer at my local law clinic and there may be resources available, especially for battered women. Check that out. I’m so sorry this is happening to you but don’t give up, you can win this fight! If you can tell me more I can help you look