
Scandal - YES, even though this menage a trois is starting to get tiresome.

This is an intelligent, nuanced look at this continuing problem. As a Charlottesville resident, what I hate MOST (lots to choose from) is the continuing exclusion of students of color from this conversation, and from serious media attention. I wish I found those parts of this harder to believe — it's horrible, and

I'll start by saying that I agree that her acceptance speech was great.

You don't need C-sections or anxiety to explain this. Being female is basically a chronic genetic disease that causes intense muscle cramps, flulike symptoms, and ebola-style genital hemorrhaging one week per month, every month (i.e., one quarter of a person's adult life). It's no coincidence that this trend is

it's kind of the unwritten rule that you don't take other people's shoveled out spaces, right?

Also, can we aim our vitriol at the guy who scammed her, took her money, and sped off? And possibly stole the dog?

I hate "why don't you just tell me what chores to doooo?" with the fire of a thousand suns. A couple might have to talk and compromise about what chores make a house clean, especially if one person is neater than the other, but at no point should one partner be expected to make chore assignments for the other partner

I had a live-in boyfriend for a while. He works like 15 hours a week and more often at night while I'm a 9-5er too (45-50 hrs a week more like). I'd always get so upset coming home after working 9 hours to a fucking wreck with his shit everywhere and mud caked on my SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ORIGINAL HARDWOODS. After he

The third quarter of that game was a joy to behold, especially that one play when Winston was running around trying to avoid being sacked and then suddenly tripped over his own feet, fell backwards, and launched the ball over his head, leading to yet another Oregon touchdown. Such schadenfreude.

The pure, blissful joy I felt when Winston and FSU were destroyed on the field is only trumped by the fact that this young woman just keeps trying. Good for her. FSU needs to step the fuck up.

I worked at a fairly large cadillac dealership in the service department. The service department consisted of a very long building with service stalls on both sides and the dispatch office (where I worked) was right in the middle. I was one of the very few females employed in this department. It was a fun job but

My best quitting story happened when I was working at a coffee place on my university campus. I had worked there for two years before I quit. The main reason I quit was because of this one girl. She was a terror. She would call people: stupid fucking bitches, dumb cunt, homophobic slurs, etc. She also was lazy as hell

I have a claw hammer in my seat pocket in my car. Any time I see someone not use their turn signal repeatedly- I fantasize about pulling up next to them at the next red, grabbing my hammer, getting out and smashing their blinkers then screaming:

Now if only Tim would break up with Johnny Depp, maybe he could be relevant again.

[i don't remember a box in the book???]

Aww. Thanks!

My birthday is exactly a week before Christmas, and as such, is almost always the day that my office chooses to have their holiday party. This has happened several times over the years with various jobs, and it is generally uncomfortable and has occasionally gotten weird.

The most memorable, however, was several

You might not be aware that after completing full military tours with the RAF as a search-and-rescue helicopter pilot, after resigning his commission William worked as an air ambulance pilot (and donated his entire year's salary to charity). It's only since the Queen scaled back her duties, at age 80-and-change, that

"I'm giving up hormonal birth control for Lent 2015"

Are you giving up sex for lent too?