
of course it sucked, there was no Tatiana Maslany

"Seriously, give me back my Bath Beads or I will cut you with my glow knife."

Amber, Stahma Tarr called. She wants her Bath Beads back.

I don't even know why i am watching this show, its terrible. OHHH wait now i remember, i will miss him

Sitting with your legs together doesn't crush your balls unless you're doing it very very wrong. I've never had any special training or anything, but I manage to sit with my legs together on a daily basis.

That's the great thing about living in your mom's basement "apartment", no people living under you!

Some stores try plus size lines, but the clothes are ugly so most of them end up on clearance. Then they say "Oh, well, I guess nobody wants to buy plus sizes. No more plus sizes." So stupid. If anyone would make attractive, reasonably priced plus sized clothes they would sell out so fast your head would spin. But no,

No one fucking cares what you think of her physical appearance. Your comment is pointless, tone-deaf and insulting.

Jezzies, I will (hopefully) be graduating in December. When I graduate, at the very least, I will have to move out of my current apartment (it's student housing). From there, I have NO CLUE where I'm going to go. I don't know whether I'm going to just put all my stuff in storage (probably) and go home to NC for a

I'm know I'm a lovely shade of palest dove gray, but I just have to shout this one: I'M NOT FUCKING PREGNANT! I'm smiling reading through the comments section and seeing that others are getting their reproductive answers granted - babies in wombs, yay!-but I do not want little ones. I just don't. My husband feels

I made the decision to follow up my thyroidectomy and left neck dissection in Februrary with RAI treatment in Sept/Oct. I was originally scheduled in May, but I canceled it because it scares the shit out of me. Way more than my surgery did. My endo says she will treat me with the lowest doses she can, assuming the

I'm following the twitter feeds of several reporters and locals, and my impression from what they're saying is the same - the people looting weren't the protesters, looked like teenagers, and were much smaller in number than the protesters.

Ugh, what a clustercuss. I get the sense that what people are REALLY mad about is not so much the curfew—you say "it's not peace, it's silence," but silence is not an unreasonable request at 2 a.m. in a residential area. People are mad about the lack of answers in the shooting, and the apparent focus on all the

As some of you may have read, yesterday, I got a call from my sexually and physically abusive ex-boyfriend. This is a guy who said "I'll straighten out your slanted eyes," then beat me when I refused to have sex with him.

I did it!!!!

Oh god. A classmate who worked at Starbucks informed me of that last year and it almost ruined my life (and my bank balance took a definite hit).