
Oh boo, if you were southeastern Virginia, I would say to visit Virginia Air and Space which is effectively the visitor’s center for NASA Langley. They sometimes have open houses on their center too, though they’re more aerospace folks, so working on airplane efficiencies and things like drop tests for the new crewed

Oh, and Barbie checks out spacecraft while they’re being built in the cleanrooms:

I have posted some random photos on Twitter for/with Mars_Barbie. But to follow up on these:

I know right? I just got from lunch with another female astronomer and she said she stopped reading as soon as she saw the interviewee had left astronomy for data science. A lot of folks are doing that these days though because astronomy and planetary science funding are so poor via NASA and NSF. There thankfully are

Barbie also likes road trips to other NASA centers to watch launches to the International Space Station.

Oh hey, Huntsville, land of one of the NASA Centers! If you’ve seen Discovery, does that mean you’re in the DC area? NASA Goddard is having a public open house in the fall that you certainly may want to crash :-)

Greetings from an unnamed NASA center! (yeah, I kinda have toys on my desk)

*waves* Hi Jia, there are a couple of us astronomers and planetary scientists in the commentariat. I swear we don’t bite if you want to ask other things :-)

Basically: Old Navy is doing well because they found their niche. Gap lacks a niche because it’s mid range to high price and shit you can get basically everywhere. You know what I would kill for from the Gap? Plus sizes again (yes, I do remember 1999/2000 when size 24 was available in store!) and to break the current

Actually Hawaiian recently reduced the quarantine requirement, you can have immediate release of your pets if you did some legwork before leaving (basically paperwork for 2 rabies vax, blood titer for the rabies vaccine that shows it’s in their system, followed by 120 day “home quarantine” basically meaning you have

I want to LOL, but as a kid who grew up in Golden and went to elementary school across Ford St from the plant, eff Coors!

I have Clue and I have issues though with them pushing an account with them (it’s asked a few times and I say naughty things to my phone) and that it still overemphasizes your “fertile window”. Also this month I got a bit argh that it lacks an option for spotting, just period.

Hopefully this group not only teaches code, but how to think critically about the user experience and need. One can certainly learn to write code for a single, but making it useable for others besides the coder is a different and complex issue. I mean, seriously, why is it that it’s still hard to find an un-pink

I think I love you. Also, more of the fish and wildlife guys would say the same thing to you as I was told after barfing over the side of a sailboat in the middle of the Great Barrier Reef on the way to a snorkeling trip: better out than in! (I barfed on the Australian flag as we sailed instead. Thankfully without an

If you come to the spacecraft size you can continuously remind us scientists that no, we can’t have all the data (or power..or whatevs) we want from other planets and that there’s a higher probability of giving us a pony.

This planetary scientist says awesome :-)

As a "townie" in Charlottesville, the university is not the only place with strained race relations, this city has some serious problems as well. Every time there is a discussion on "crime on the Downtown Mall" listening to the complaints made by business owners and locals is less crime, and more "OMG black people in

Well there's a grand total of two tweets about march at the Rotunda on Twitter, so I'm still not sure of the source of that. It's not like it wouldn't be a bad idea to follow BSA's lead though....

I partied so hard when I saw that on Twitter yesterday. Now if only the National Parks could do it too. At Volcanoes National Park I had three guys shove me out of the way so they could climb up a rock wall and take a pic with a selfie stick of themselves. And they didn't even point it the right way for the lava. I