
Somehow a vegan diet is “devoid” of essential nutrients but McDonald’s meals are left alone?! Why, because they are so good for you?! How about we jail all parents that give children Cheetos and Frosted Flakes and leave alone those that give their children veggies! (And in case you’re wondering, there are PLENTY of

But it’s perfectly okay to force your kids to eat meat, dairy, and eggs, which have no nutrients that can’t be obtained in a well-balanced plant-based diet. Wonder if the meat, dairy, and egg industries are as bad in Italy as they are here in the U.S.

...Umm, fat people ARE clamoring for more character creation options lol. Haven’t seen it in Pokemon go specifically, but it’s definitely a thing.

well, it is a very large array of radio telescopes

Fuck off. It isn't okay at all. Either side, doesn't matter.