a stranger in the alps

I try to use that line as much as possible. My co-workers all think I’m insane, and I let them think that.

I’m with you. As an exercise, just look at the sets for this thing; it’s a schizo dream come to life, and every buck spent on sets is on the screen. Even the little touches: the Shoveler’s daughter wearing a Captain Amazing t-shirt, or the insane asylum official wearing (what looks like) a Soviet medal, or the neon

If twice - a snippet during the action, and the whole song at the end - count as “all over”, then okay. I don’t mind it, but it doesn’t add to or subtract from the movie.

My God, the number of quotable lines in this movie - far, far more than it deserved. Others here have covered them in depth, so I won’t bore us, but you can pick up a nice handful while watching this flick.

Why does the graphic at top say “Good Time Slim, Uncle Doobie, & the Great Disco Freakout”?

If you’ve got the Prime Rewards Visa card, you should still be at $99. I renew in January 2019, and that’s my locked-in price. Still, Amazon could change it at their whim.

If you’ve got the Prime Rewards Visa card, you should still be at $99. I renew in January 2019, and that’s my

Perhaps they are... Taco Belles?

Hopefully they can build a bridge to consumers.

Definitely yes to the first, hopefully yes to the second. Dropping the companies that Gibson bought for the business reason of “because I wanted to”- Onkyo, Baldwin Pianos, Philips, TEAC - will make up a nice chunk of the $500 million (which sounds suspiciously low). Getting rid of their demands that stores buy an

It was a simpler time back then.

I’ll defend Revenge as it was the first Pink Panther film I saw in a theatre, and it has some of the funniest scenes in it - Clouseau as the “salty old Swedish sea dog” and his constantly-deflating parrot; the scene at the Balls Brothers, with Clouseau dressed as Toulouse-Lautrec (“I’m afraid I’m a little short”), and

When I was in Paris and took Le Metro, at one stop there was an accordion player, and as a bad American I couldn’t stop thinking of “Do you have a lee-sonse?” I went back to the hotel, found it on YouTube, and laughed somewhat too loud.

I haven’t enjoyed a show like that since The Venture Bros. had “Operation P.R.O.M.”. I howled, screamed, and cackled like a fiend. The next night I showed it to the missus, who was slack-jawed during the whole Beebo beatdown; she told me that she would probably wake up laughing about 3 a.m.

Indeed -the outer hull of the racer was wealthy-stylish, and the inside was designed by a group who thought out what 6 g’s of gravity would do to a body that just laid on a couch. Nice touch with Bobbie telling Avasarala to remove the jewelry or else it would turn her into hamburger.

Interesting scene at the beginning where Paige is getting contradictory messages from her parents: Philip is framed in warm, lighted tones, while Elizabeth has almost-black bookshelves behind her, showing just how different the two have become. Where once they could be at least close to the same level, they are now

Funny you should ask:

No mention about A.V. Club being called out during “The Last Heartbreak”? Or is something like that passé, gauche, even jejune these days?

What? What happens? I gotta know!

Aw, damn it - when will this Stranger in the Alps truly save Christmas?

Yeah, that threw me as well. It’s a deadly serious film with Martin breaking out of his comfort zone completely, and doing a master job.