A Stranger in the Alps

My wife and I saw Superego! (including PFT) at the KC Improv Festival few weeks ago. It was hilarious, and also a little bit of a different experience to physically see them acting like an "improv troupe" after hearing them on so many podcasts. One of my favorite things when PFT's on CBB is when he does his out-of

Please call him Mr. Marshall.

Finally found the perfect thing to have on in the background while I play Penn & Teller's "Desert Bus" video game…

When people would try to say circa 10 years ago how pretty Emma Watson was/was going to be, I always thought they were just Harry Potter nerds who wanted IRL Hermione to be pretty. However, I've just watched Emma Watson's "He for She" speech at the UN. In addition to the fact that her speech- the kind of thing that

I've been pleasantly surprised to see this show morph, at least for me, from "funny but maybe eh" to "having the potential to be a legit first-tier comedy" (unlike how I felt about "Married," sorry). I could tell from the first episode that there was a gooey heart at the show's center, but I wasn't sure if it would

Well yeah- gun violence.

In a related story, the makers of "Guitar Hero" have decided to exclude Black Sabbath from the next iteration of the game due to the band's drug use.

Like probably a lot of people on here, I was sort of reintroduced to Joan Rivers as an actual (good) comedian, and not just someone who made fun of red carpet outfits, on her episode of "Louie," which was phenomenal.

One of the things that sometimes irritates me about the Hatesong feature is the feeling of, "Who is this person, and why should I care about their opinion?". This one is a particularly good example of that.

"In Dylan’s stead, rock lurched into psychedelic art-rock, more indulgent
“heady” music that didn’t inspire connection so much as introspection… Making
music to be appreciated more like paintings seemed to the
26-years-young McLean as a betrayal of rock’s impetus."

The whole thing about opera and BSG embracing epic archetypes- it took me a long time to realize that that was the level on which this show struck me. Despite its flaws, BSG wound up affecting me on an almost mythical level, the way I would imagine religion is/was meant to. The story of BSG, to me, embodies almost

No, you're right- its distracting…

Also- are there any other examples, besides Alien and Aliens, of a film and its sequel essentially belonging to two different genres?

"They can BILL me"- one of the best line readings ever, courtesy of Sigourney Weaver.

Saw Mike Myers interviewed partly about this on Jimmy Fallon last night. He was surprisingly funny, charming, and not-annoying.

So wait the stuff on this Graham Norton clip was all real "fanfic"?

Anything by Pavement.

Man I found that movie disappointing. To me, it seemed like having the Edge, Jimmy Page, and Jack White in a documentary about playing guitar was something that probably seemed better in theory. JP and JW being simpatico is easy to get, but I felt like the Edge was just a bit out of place, with his whole "Hey, listen