
Great factoid... now, to praise Shonda!

Or it's even better to find out where they work and report them to their employers... just saying :)

Wow.... I am feeling this. Thank you. I never put it in this perspective, it is so tiring to have to justify everything under the spectre of slavery on a constant basis.... great stuff to think about.

Yes, this. bell hooks knows what she is doing. If you're gonna get people talking about big issues, why not reel in discussions with the biggest catch of them all... Queen Bey.

That's the move in media— every major media outlet will be moving to "reader-generated content" soon enough, if they haven't already ( is the most notable outlet thus far). Fire your paid writers, and have your opinionated readers do the work for you (and potentially get you stats that they can use for media

Agreed. I knew Bey's "feminist" transformation wasn't 100% authentic when she didn't correct Jay-Z's ass for putting in that "eat the cake, Anna Mae" line in Drunk in Love. Any human (at first I wrote "woman") who knows what's up would cringe at that line, and that he performed it in the song AND that she did not

Even tho we disagree on other subjects, I agree with this 100%.

"Jezebel isn't really the place to come to get intersectional feminism..."

That you haven't heard of bell hooks and you're trying to talk about any aspect of modern feminism shows why you need to take a stadium of seats immediately.

Thank you! Beyonce totally abandoned bootylicious a long time ago, in the name of getting mainstream.

Whew, glad to hear!

OH NO. Ali is EXTREMELY problemtatic. Wow, thanks for bringing that to our attention. Not good, bell.... dang.

Shante, you stay. Thank you for getting it.

Not at all. People like this, who covet, who CRAVE the public eye— and all of the privileges that come with it— deserve to be called out when they then decide to publicly flip the script when their safe little lives are challenged. It absolutely boggles my mind that she's really trying to say that even though she has

Why is that? Because I'm calling KK out on her awful abuse of her privilege? OR am I making you challenge YOUR privilege? Either way, you can have a whole row of flash-sale Ikea seats, as I give zero cares.

"Just because she didn't see that racism was still a problem doesn't mean she was a racist, she just wasn't an activist or interested in the issue. I don't really see the problem with this at all."

THANK YOU. This sort of stupid, ignorant clap-trap shows why this woman should NEVER, ever be looked up to.

No, there is a lot to be SHAMED in the letter. Shame on Kim for hiding behind her wealth all of these years and not being engaged with the world around her. Shame on her for dating AND/or marrying numerous men of color, yet never once opening her eyes to what they may have experienced in their lives (I mean, like this