Ok, can I say something uplifting in all of this....
Ok, can I say something uplifting in all of this....
Did Anna Wintour have some slight work done.... things are looking a weeee bit, um, taut?!?!
I've decided to keep my Juno-based vitriol only aimed at the overhyped nature of the movie and at Brook Busey (I refuse to call her the other moniker she's given herself)... so I'm backing off of Ellen.
Dear God, in the name of all things holy, PLEASE LET THE JUNO/DIABLO CODY HYPE END SOON.
@shiningstar: I know.. his head is HUGE. It's bigger than a melon!
uh oh. typecasting alert!!!!!!
I love this kid for some reason... his Nu Rave outfit is slaying me.
UM, no. I'm not buying it.
@Macloserboy: YES! This is what my roommates and I were hoping... how perfect would it be if she boned him back in the day?!?!
Duuuuude... first of all, Versace men's barely sells in the US, and now Donatella's people piss off the head of the most imporant men's high fashion forum in the US (maybe even the world??)... stupid. Tommy is noooo joke.
Keep hearing that the reason Gwynnie was in the hospital was due to her "fasting" getting out of control. C'mon hun, it's ok to eat once in a while!!!
... all good except that Catherine Malandrino would rather DIE that make something for women that are over a size 6, apparently.
I love Cornel, but I'm gonna have to go with the consensus that he must've lost his Afro pick or something...
Sexual chocolate! *must say it in the Coming to America voice*
I think it's more interesting that the Feministing commenters have been able to call bullshit on Moe and her "typing-before-thinking" habit...
I felt so bad for Christian... that girl's taste levels were AWFUL. Did you see Nina's face when Maddie said she wanted to add EVEN MORE LACE?
@MissPeacock: Why is everyone forgetting that this is the man who went NUTS on Oprah?!?!? Tom Cruise is nuttier than a Christmas fruitcake!
I'm sorry, but does Diablo Cody or whatever her true name is bug anyone else? I thought the first 10 minutes of dialogue in Juno were HORRIFIC (but the rest of the film was ok-ish) and trying to be soooo hip, and I think her new column in Entertainment Weekly bites the big one.
um, clooney all the way.
@misspolandspring: What a self-hating, douchebaggy comment.