
She is acting in a role where she has to wear a wig (see her Instagram post from 10/28/2020).  The wig needs to fit to her head tightly and braiding your hair close to your head is one of the best ways to do that.  

Tim’s is very generic now. It’s fine if you’re on the road and need to grab something, because they’re quick and you know what you’re getting. The downside is you know what you’re getting because everything is frozen mediocrity. You can tell when you walk in: it doesn’t actually smell like donuts anymore. I know

Of late, AV Club had done the press junkets for some dire-looking crap. Some evangelical flick with Archie from Riverdale, that One Direction fanfiction movie, a tie-in movie for The Secret, and now this. Blame the herb.

It’s a complex situation.

As per Iger’s book, Abrams and Kasdan had a couple of months to develop the script for TFA. The reason for the rush was because the Disney Board disagreed with Iger’s faith in the Star Wars property and Iger was pressuring LucasFilm to start delivering. Originally scheduled for Summer 2015,

You are, in two ways: first, don’t be concerned, you have plenty of other ways you can be an ally if that’s your goal than worrying about an internal discussion about colorism. Second, you are still willfully misrepresenting what she stated. She pointed out that all of the women were light-skinned, which supports that

What you are missing is that she didn’t criticize his choice of wife. She just pointed out the pattern of all of these wives being light. It’s not a flaw on the women’s part, nor a question of their blackness. What is being pointed out is the pattern of preference on the part of the rappers.
Let me also point out that

I trust her guidance in this because she definitely seems like someone who shops for her own groceries and has worked hard to determine which brand of beans makes the dishes she prepares as good as can be.

Alexis Mateo in Snatch Game - Netflix has a new documentary about Walter Mercado.

If you were wondering whatever happened to Jim Bakker, this is what happened. Even right-wing Christians have had enough of him:

This was a cynical play on our hero worship of people with cancer as saints. Cancer does not redeem anyone. Cancer is the second leading cause of death, with lung cancer being top amongst the cancers. Cancer is a fact of life, not a saving grace. 

Fuck CDPR.

Someone with ungrey power on The Root take this out of the greys. I only have the ability on Giz.

Yeah - by not being a reaction to the OT, The Mandalorian captures its feeling and tone far better than any Star Wars property, except *perhaps* Clone Wars.

Eat the rich.

The ownership rights of powerful billionaires must be preserved against the unlawful duplication of their law-decreed property, AS decreed by the laws that they used their wealth and power to influence government to pass!

I can’t believe Great Hills Partners became the newest showrunner for American Gods.

I get to write about video games for a living, have cheap rent (thanks Kansas!) but also have fast internet because I live near Kansas City.

There are two problems with Stadia.

One of these days I will understand why S4 of Angel is so unappreciated. Actually, scratch that. I will never understand it, because S4 is awesome. It has its problems - the Cordelia stuff in particular, and especially if you know what was going on behind the scenes - but it's one of the best examples of