
Really? I found each episode was a fascinating experience, and especially the first 4-5 felt really breathless, like I was being drawn into this insane exciting world and I never really had a moment to catch my feet (in a good way). Then around the time that they get ambushed, everyone on the team really gelled. I

Is it wrong to hope that with Taghmaoui out of the role, they’ll just let Aubrey Plaza be the Shadow King for the rest of the series, even though it makes NO sense? I feel like Legion is one of the few shows that can get away with it.

I think the difference between Lovecraft and Bushnell, at least in the context of this discussion, is that no one is really holding Lovecraft up as a good example of anything. Bushnell, meanwhile stood to receive an award that implied he was a role model.

No, because the system lets anyone join, and doesn’t impose restrictions on the number of accounts one person can have. It doesn’t affect the OTHER plays if I decide to run three accounts, or one, or thirty. I don’t gain any sort of statistical or game-play advantage by running multiple accounts, either.

In retrospect, Children of Dune was really ahead of its time with the whole “sexy tormented siblings whose parents’ genetic ghosts have possessed them and are making them want to have sex with each other” stuff. Incest has been an HBO mainstay for decades now.

HBO and many other networks should have pounced on this ages ago when they were all casting around for a GoT-successor to have lined up. It’s all here.

They’re saying “I’ll never work with him again” which, yes, is already unlikely because he doesn’t re-use actors often, but it’s also an implicit condemnation of his behaviour without explicitly denouncing him. As far as Hollywood goes, it’s about as far as men seem to be willing to go right now. Point is, the act of

How come no one’s talking about that time that Emmy Rossum was like goddamnit I *AM* this show, and deservedly demanded as much money as William H Macy, and Macy was like “You go girl, you deserve it!” and then the network...paid her more money and everyone was happy?

I hope Dune is good. The thing with both Arrival and Blade Runner is that they both had a dreamlike feel to them. The dialogue was sparse, and much of the world-building happened in the mise en scene, or in the things not said. For a world close to ours, like Arrival, or for one that’s not too hard to imagine, like

As others have pointed out these are made by the devil. Just, like, the actual fucking devil. Satan. He stole a bunch of delicious things and then mixed them in a pot with cholesterol and obesity and poor self-control and that’s what these biscuits are.

Am I the only mediaphile who loves it? I love watching a show like Game of Thrones and having it look like a gritty, real BBC documentary. I love watching genre shows because they look like news footage or something. Am I crazy???

I dunno, but this:

“You have to go through all these hurdles, like if you pick up a player, is the press gonna call it a PR stunt, or is it because she was the best?” said Outlaws general manager Matt Rodriguez.

What an utterly pointless, unhelpful snap. Thanks for tearing down someone writing about an issue you agree with! The world really needs more of that right now.

The girls who come into the library talking about the Logans are all under 14 FWIW. I have learned, the hard way, several times, that it is pointless to try to explain to them why either of them are such problematic scumbags.

Honestly (because you mentioned you were currently dealing with this), I found out my boyfriend was planning on proposing and I ended the relationship. It all kinda crystallized in that moment (when one of his friends let it slip to me) when I thought about spending the next 30+ years engaged in the same pointless

Sometimes it’s a self-fulfilling, or self-defeating, prophecy that they aren’t even aware they’re carrying out, which is why the idea of “fixing” them can be so seductive. “If I could just get them to see...”

Yeah and like I’m not gonna say that anyone with serious mental health issues should just bootstrap themselves out of it.

Get a grip, vote, and try to get funding for schools reformed to help the impoverished. Try to elect people who will undermine the plutocracy the right way.

The sucky thing about having depressed/insecure/etc SO’s is that if you ever do break up with them, all it does is convince them life really IS shitty and things really ARE bad and it’s TRUE that nobody likes them and they ARE awful people.