
This whole thing makes me want to learn japanese just so I can watch NJPW.

Are you trying to make me watch 'M' again? You didn't have to try, all you had to do was ask.

Slow text in games really has to burn up those speedrunners lol.

Well, it's entertaining, as well as being a huge stretch.

Also, where's the VR games as well as the CD-I?

Anytime you play a game repeatedly, even those few seconds start to add up. I'll be installing this mod A.S.A.P.

I can imagine the Beautiful Mind-style newsclippings all over their room.

It used to be $50!

One day I decided I wanted it, went to and just searched the local stores and grabbed one the same day. It really isn't as rare as people make it out to be. Just expensive.

Max Payne should come back with new gameplay mechanics before the next GTA. I felt like it's development greatly enhanced the quality of GTA5 in terms of combat.

Our overconnectivity mixed with the development of AI, along with financially starved foreign countries will lead to huge disasters in the future... but if you mention it, you're labelled paranoid. Giving mankind technology is like giving an alcoholic a barrel of wine.


This game made me cry as a kid.

Imagine all the college debt I could have gotten rid of by doing what I was going to do anyway.

Haha, very true. I'm the guy on the sinking ship that's screaming to everyone that they shouldn't have gotten on.

It's not a good precedent to set becoming so comfortable with our personal data to be available across the internet. Hopefully, 23andMe has the ethics and security to necessitate to use this information strictly for the Hippocratic Oath, but with the revelations of the Sony hack, the ethics of some large data

Selling your DNA information to a private corporation? Maybe selling your DNA to the DoD similar to Facebook's treatment of data?

Quantum TV's? What is this, Dr. Who?

Sometimes I take a look at the future and realize a lot of technology is like black magic. All the cool stuff comes with a steep price.

Sounds like a giant 3DS.

The optional 3d functionality really shines when you turn it off.

A full Blood Dragon game would be amazing.

Also, almost every idea on this list sounds amazing. Color me interested.

MGS2 got a little bit better in the age of Wikipedia.

The first time I beat it though... dark times.