I’ve been about to go to the gym since 2013!
I’ve been about to go to the gym since 2013!
Um. 79 degrees is barely “in the 70s” tho.
Fucking people on Twitter - “SHE WAS ONLY OUTSDIE FOR 90 MINUTES”.
Most just want a close horse race for clickbait articles. With the deplorable comment yesterday it showed that the media jumped on that instead of the countless asshatery spewing from the Trump campaign. A lot of media types had to step back when POC went supernova on journalists who were trying to equate what Clinton…
Not too mention the body armour
I’m reminded that nearly naked, young healthy models were dropping like flies after standing in the heat at Kayne’s show this week. She’s wearing a full freaking suit. It’s hot. She got overheated. Clearly she has a fatal disease and is too ill to serve.
Doctorates, and the title of Doctor, belonged to PhDs before the medical profession appropriated the title. Physicians are the doctors-come-lately.
They are not physicians, but they are doctors. The "D" in PhD stands for doctor. There are medical doctors, juris doctors, doctors of philosophy, doctors of theology, etc. It just shows you've reached a certain level of higher education
The word “doctor” comes from the Latin “docere” which means “to teach,” so yes, we are doctors. I think what you mean is that we aren't medical doctors.
Uh, yeah they are. They’re not medical doctors. But they earned their titles just the same.
Divorce may be a TV show but Love is a Battlefield.
I don’t really give a fuck what the genesis of a racist or any other kind of haters contempt is. Trump is racist (and sexist and all the other -ists) in action. I don’t need to psychoanalyze why, and it’s certainly not a get out of jail free card for all the MANY times he discriminated against people because of their…
For those of us who have to know what racism, in every form—the subtle, casual, insidious, accepted forms, too—looks like, we don’t get to play this game. Trump is what racism looks like. He can be a racist AND a general asshole, all at the same time.
Whenever this building comes up, I’m always surprised that no one mentions the Brady Bunch episode when Architect Mike Brady has to design a factory/headquarters building for A LADY. That’s right, that’s what I said. A gal.
Excuse me is this the hand basket that’s going to hell? I don’t want to get in the wrong one.
If any numb nuts journalist has the courage to ask Trump about this pychopath, I guarantee he won’t condemn her actions. First he’ll say he hasn’t heard about it, even though he the best, most informed people. Then after it’s explained to him he’ll say he doesn’t have all the facts, as if that ever stopped him from…
America feels greater already. /s
They should be flattered. Deplorable is better than what they are.