
EXACTLY THIS. I have read lots of comments all stating some variation of “it’s a cliffhanger, shows have had them forever. Who shot JR was a cliffhanger, etc” The problem with that argument is that the whole JR thing was a 2 part cliffhanger. Part one was that someone shot him. Part two was the who did it.

I love the fact time Cruise signed on for a movie where he gets killed over and over again. I wonder if as he gets older he has stopped taking himself so seriously.

Try Paxil. It can help with that problem

I am happy to donate some for them. Good luck in your endeavors.

It’s only a problem as a get older. My aim isn’t what it used to be.

Holy shit. You cracked the code. This is genius. It doesn’t apply to my as I crap standing up, but this is great. Have some stars.

It is easier but not as satisfying.

I feel like this is just a veiled attempt to see his boner. If so you should video it instead. Then you can review the video repeatedly at a later time. You know, for research....

The crucial mistake here was getting the Hawaiian pizza. Pineapple on pizza is an affront to God and man. And maybe science as well. I’m not a scientist, it’s probably a safe bet that science hates it too.

Has anyone ever actually enjoyed the sound of another person whistling?

Well cocaine is reportedly a helluva drug. :)


Comparitively he probably does understand them better than WB. That doesn’t mean he understands them though, just better than WB.

I thought his remake of Dawn of the Dead was solid. And I enjoyed 300 a lot. It was crazy in Imax. Otherwise he has made shit in my opinion

It’s like the didn’t see Sucker Punch or Watchmen

Yes. Everyone loves The Shocker

Per the article this is a very hard post to get. Maybe it is a prestige kind of thing so I don’t think they would feel like the Marine standing that post would feel they are being wasted. And all of it is part of that pomp and circumstance around high level government officials.

They are the Marines. When you do the kind of things they do, then you get to take yourself as seriously as you like. The same applies for the other branches as well.

I gave up on this show a while back but this makes me sad for the people that are still watching it. From the fake death of Glenn, and the maybe fake death of Darryl, you all watched expecting some awesome season ending. Add to this the Negan intro and him killing someone was a huge event in the comic, and Kirkman

DAMN RIGHT! No one heard me bitching when I released my explosive documentary movie “The Flat Earth and it’s devastating effect on your cat’s Urinary Tract Health”