you would think pedo stuff is enough out there for some people, that’s adding a lot of kinky shit to raping kids.
you would think pedo stuff is enough out there for some people, that’s adding a lot of kinky shit to raping kids.
i want to say i’d rather stick my dick in a full box of live hermit crabs but then you know I would be lying.
wouldn’t it be funny if kristen and other jalops were actually aiding and abetting thieves and vandals?
don’t say that! say neighbor.
I want an ally point, because I ain’t touching this.
the second video is the best for what could have happened., if the driver had peeled out and driven the Lambo straight into the pile of shit on the street it would be the best car delivery vid ever.
this is something i always wonder when your blog does so much stock and trade about making blacks out to be victims of aggression down to pure nutpicking. even when it’s not about violence there is a lot of what you become sensitive to, in situations like this. I would think you can carryover a principle about when it…
so we the exchange rate those canadian lambos get what? 300 horse power?
the writegirls are the fuckboys of the expensive school set. their thoughts and opinions are a waste of time. you know this because for all this bullshit, none of these people makes a bit of sense. you would think, given the pretentions played upon, that people who communicate who can’t communicate, would not just…
He was a man who knew what he wanted.
if the lease stipulates maintenance and repair and these are the sort of items that have appreciated and are anticipated to do so further, leasing companies are making a ton of money and buyers are getting it all ways possible. unless you think the car you want to lease will no longer have added value above what it…
If you aren’t protesting D-Day you aren’t a real Nazi. I am sorry but there is a huge quality control issue here abetted by a media so in love with clickbait, they don’t care, they will call anyone a Nazi for any reason because calling something fascist sells, calling yourself that sells. this was probably true back…
right right, but you are excusing putting chitterlings on donuts to even make a case here.
Between Arby’s and Papa John’s, Wendy’s has daddy issues.
does this mean every chick with cervical cancer was a total slut dry docking much cock in her otherwise formative years?
he could be a Liberal Lion someday soon.
but he grabbed anorexia by the ankle, flipped her up, parted the piss flaps, poured sand salt and gravel, the road treatment mix, sealed it up with gorilla glue, waived it around til it air dried and set anorexia down on her feet.
as tainted as babe ruth’s home run record. we have now established that blacks as a group and some in distinguished personal ways, are also wypipo. the separate league black people play wypipo in is an abomination and a direct descendant of jim crow. next year we need more than a jackie robinson token to break the…
cookies. her will was one word, cookies.
about like all the crime statistics say, blacks are more violent than whites when race is a factor.