
Gronkowski’s run from last to second seems kinda shady too.

highly localized transportation winner and peer fishing sleeper gem.

haha the lengths this site has to go to to post pictures of nice white people being nice while not offending the blacks.

Justify is going to burn more fillies than my high school slam poetry club

i am beginning to think anything with 2 doors is a guilty pleasure. i guess the personal luxury car, the large only sometimes fast in a straight line if it has any performance feature at all, but pillowy couch like interior. ah luxury.

fans of cunt teams everywhere are celebrating with the Capitals.

which, psst makes you the racial bigot.

the bigger problem is blacks unwilling to admit they hate whites 10 times more than whites hate them. thus black people are always scheming to fuck with white. most of what is falsely called racism, could just as soon be called tired of being fucked with for no reason, tired of being threatened and stolen from. as far

this isn’t as interesting as it might have been.

i am flagging this post for abuse

big cruisers are awesome in populated areas when traffic is less than normal. don’t get me wrong, i am convinced i need a tightly wound rally car for around town on bad pavement, but nothing like the deep and slow

big cruisers are awesome in populated areas when traffic is less than normal. don’t get me wrong, i am convinced i need a tightly wound rally car for around town on bad pavement, but nothing like the deep and slow

this should have coincided with an old slags week on Jezebel where emily gould, chinky reese witherspoon, erin ryan, and all of the people who made this place controversial, not in the way they meant to, but in that hidden gem way this place used to get on, being horrible in ways they were too dumb to realize were

i’m still working on stage 4.