
Wow. I’m so sorry that happened to you. What an arsehole

I consider myself (especially now) to be a strong-willed, intelligent woman who has zero patience for BS. But back in college I dated a guy (for years) who thought it was funny to try to pull my shirt off in front of his male friends. I’m perpetually surprised by the things I didn’t make a peep about back then. WTF,


**mic drop** Get it, girl.

So, this isn’t going to make you feel “better” necessarily, but your comment about how many women have these stories reminded me of this blog post.

Your attitude is goddamn inspiring. The humor you throw into the horror. I hope those sharks come through for you!

God, that thing you so graciously replied to is such a troll and a total pile of turds. Good response though!

So Toranaga victim-blames you repeatedly, then says “Good luck” and we’re all supposed to believe it wasn’t full of snark and sarcasm but rather that he/she genuinely wishes you luck? A normal person would have said “I sincerely wish you good luck”, kind of like how you said “I unreservedly apologise”. Toranaga is not

Maybe you should stop harassing someone for being a rape victim.

I am so sorry you went through all of that, and I think the sharks listened rather closely.

So dramatic.

Ugh, sorry that you had to deal with a rude commenter.

Are you serious right now? She just shared a story about abuse she suffered, and your response is basically #NotAllMen? Really? A little compassion for her would be nice.

I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Started for support.

I get it. This is a tough subject to breech so no offense taken

I like this interpretation. Aspies rule!!

Haha lmao. My mother in law loved the fact that I changed my sons diaper. It almost made me a saint in her eyes.

She is absolutely not your equal.

“Typical” is referring to a willful denial of understanding that consent to one thing (meeting someone alone, getting drunk, going out at dark) does not equal consent to sex.

I would say that it’s unlikely as the way that it works for other men and that the other portion apparently reacts to objects. But I’m not a neurologist nor have I read the study (a couple youtube videos cited it (they were on odd things about the brain and such) so you could of course be correct.