I believe I was referencing this post: http://themuse.jezebel.com/check-out-teen…
I believe I was referencing this post: http://themuse.jezebel.com/check-out-teen…
Or you know - just like they did with photo reference paintings *before* photoshop existed too. :)
I think going for help was the smarter decision given they had a gun. I don’t think most regular dudes think they can beat five unarmed guys alone. And obvi drinking beer with your underaged daughter in public is shitty, but it doesn’t mean that he had a reputation for having the resources for violent revenge.
This, specifically, from the NYT piece:
And it might not hit him until later. When my dad was undergoing a medical emergency, I was super calm. A few weeks later, I was super anxious about it. Grief and crises affect people differently.
No, I am engaging in critical thinking about the holes in this case. Is it not enough to say that I understand sexual assault and tend to always side with victims, even when a case seems very strangely reported? Or should I just be a good “Jezzie” and start screaming about rape culture?
nuh uh...
Surprised that Nikki Minaj would be the type to shame a woman with “you opened your legs.”
Here are some reasons people hate Ricky Gervais, for everyone here who has - inexplicably - not yet learned about search engines:
Get. The. Fuck. OUT OF HERE.
The Golden Globes are the only awards show worth watching, if only for people like Ricky calling bullshit on these show business phonies. Awards season is a farce—these people give each other a reach-around on live TV for 3 months and we’re supposed to care? Sorry you got the vapors over the Ricky G/Mel Gibson…
It’s so far off the mark that I’m wondering if she’s joking
I assume Joanna finds it racist b/c Bill raped...black women? Because she doesn’t understand Bill got women drunk before assaulting them and that joke was dark as fuck, and it’s not actually punching them down?
Yes. He was great.
Fuck you. Ricky Gervais is a god send compared to all of these stale cock strokers. Maybe Anne Hathaway and Franco are more up your alley.
Wait...what? Gervais a) isn’t racist b) has a VERY dry sense of humour c) almost certainly thinks Mel’s a racist arsehole.
Ricky Gervais is like Stephen Fry if you poked a hole and let all the charisma out.
Not really getting where the hate for Gervais is coming from. To me he remains a great example of the comedian who always punches up and never punches down.
Did Gervais go on a racist tirade I’m not aware of? That’s a lot of venom towards him to just not find him funny.
Yeah, if only he was as funny as Amy Schumer am I right