
that is a very large companion dog.

I’m not a troll, you are welcome to think that I am an asshole, but giving up your dreams of doing a very privileged thing like climbing the highest mountain in the world to save an actual life (regardless of the fact that they are also doing a very privileged thing that they don’t have to do) is something that people

I know. and for people who don’t really do that much good, they don’t really do that much bad either. they just have a bizarre lifestyle.

ugh. I think I will pass.

Yeah, you will need your Kardashians. University degrees and Kardashians are like peas and carrots.

Let’s be friends!

I agree, clothes that fit are a major, major pain - but when they do they look amazing. Its a big canvas for clothes.

I also think there is often a world of difference between what people CAN do and what they WANT to do within the parameters of their life plans and ambitions, and the Everest dilemma is a very exaggerated form of this.

the key there is that they did help him - they failed but they tried. they didn’t step over him and keep going to the summit.

well the Sherpas already guide people up there for very small fees - raise the Sherpa’s pay to something that is fair considering the danger that they are putting themselves in and if they want to they can do that instead of guiding.

thank you

haha, I think I am too narcissistic not to do facebook. where else would I post all my selfies and pictures of my knees on beaches?

One of the things that blows my mind on a daily basis is how many people say downright ridiculous, hateful things on the internet and then are surprised when they lose their jobs.

I have to be super careful about anonymity because of my day job. It sucks but it is what it is.

thank you.

never let it be said I don’t severely heart all the Kardshians, but the wedgie thing strikes me as an affectation to show how small her waist is that she just cant control her pants falling down.

can you even have a dog on the plane? what if someone else is allergic/phobic? does she have to purchase the dog a seat?

I think that some regulation has to happen - clean the bloody place up for one. the junk people leave there is appalling. take only photos, leave only footprints type thing.

I totally disagree that even in this very unique situation that there is no moral duty to rescue others that is more important than anyone’s desire to get to the peak, and I think people do have a responsibility to each other.

My long term abuser is a dedicated ocean swimmer and every time someone gets eaten by a shark I hope its him.