
Oh wow. I'm never cool. grey it is.

I am fine with that. Gandalf never expected to turn white.

You know what, law firms are big ole ladders to the sky, and everyone is clinging to their rung and trying to make sure that no-one passes them. Very rarely do you find a lawyer who genuinely is not more ambitious than ethical, even in nfp’s. Don’t trust that anyone likes anyone else or even try to understand what

I think I have only been commenting about a month. How long does one stay grey?

Aw thanks!

thanks. We are off lease but we cant afford to move :(

I think you might be right. In the time we have lived in our house, three groups of people have lived next door. The first was a group who partied, the second was a single mother with various boyfriends who were aggressive with her and I had to step in at one point and get between one of them and her, and then she

It is so weird. I am a friendly, open person and I have always got on well with my neighbours. I am a good neighbour, I am willing to water plants and feed cats and collect mail, etc.

There is a lot of stigma attached to AS disorders. I am very high functioning, well educated, well spoken and still - people vary from treating me like a child to treating me like a very bizarre organism in a jar. I just don’t tell people. If they know about autism they can see it in my walk, my affect, my wordiness

I really hate where I live, and at the moment I do not have the money to move. I am also renting, so I can’t really do too much to the property to make it more how I like it. We moved in suddenly and now I feel stuck here. We have been here 18 months.

I am never careful about how I talk EXCEPT that I don’t ‘come out’ as having autism, because people who know me know that I do, and people who don’t have ablism so deeply ingrained that they then won’t listen to another word I say. Sometimes I tell people to make a point, but in general I don’t.

When you are with a narcissist you see what they want you to see.

Jaime King, you are so right.

Kendra’s instagram has a truck load of people who comment on her photos saying bizarrely supportive things about her marriage like “real women stand by their man no matter what” and “God loves you for your forgiveness”. It is like she has become a big “family friendly” icon because her husband cheated on her.

My 5 year old has a grey hair. The hairdresser said it was not uncommon for any age. She may have been lying and my child may be a freak, though.

I have a ‘bogan’ (white trash) name, and people spend a lot of time telling me they hate my name and asking me why my parents chose it.

thank you. Its like a biological short straw - having a disability AND tortured by a volcanic uterus - but I comfort myself by remembering I am quite pretty and that makes me feel better about the whole thing. Its like my body finally pulled it together at the end and made a big effort with my face.

This boat isn’t so inclined to rock.

As a writer I hate her, but then I’m like, meh. The more women who sell books the better it is for those of us who are marginally successful.*

Kermit must have pulled his new girlfriend right out of the uncanny valley - eeeek!