
more than 50% of the worlds population are walking targets for rapists no matter what we do, and yet we still keep the secrets of these rapists and are shamed, and every single survivor needs to take responsibility for their position in relation to the silence surrounding the shame of rape.

Many, many women in ‘real life’ don’t come forward. I openly will talk about the 3 times I was sexually assaulted, once in a domestic violence situation, once in a date rape situation and once in a flat out random sexual stranger attack situation with others and they don’t want to know. they are uncomfortable, they

Reading comments, and I have no idea about the subtleties of ‘ma’ams’ and ‘misses’ because I am not from the US, but I am overwhelmed by the amount of people who say that they ARE one age but LOOK another.

As the parent of a coffee sip stealing toddler I had never before thought of it as a gateway drug to meth.

Caitlyn Jenner strikes me as the type of parent who is emotionally neglectful and then feels bad and gives things, like gifts, permissions and privileges to assuage the guilt she probably feels for ending her children’s parents marriage and moving away to concentrate on herself.

Do you give people a chance to take down their pictures first?

I had my first child at 29 in the Maritimes and people were worried that because of my advanced age there would be problems.

I don’t know about that for everyone. I went back to Christianity after being agnostic for many years and I find the mysticism of the philosophy of Jesus and following the philosophy of Jesus to require a lot of thought. When I was agnostic I was very concerned with status and ego and being ‘one up’ on the next person

I lived in the maritimes in Canada. Grandchildren in the late 20's was uncommon but not THAT uncommon.

You know how people are like “that’s my partner, I will defend them even if they are not entirely right because at the end of the day we sleep together and I love them”? Well I’m not like that with my partner - if he was being a dick I would be like “you are being a dick. team other person.”

...then there are those of us with mothers who would sniff "It's disgusting what some women will let people do to them and pretend that its medical. You would have to hold me down to get me to be examined by a doctor. I would rather die. Its just being a whore." #lifeadviceihaveignored

There is a big intersection between MPDG and women with Asperger’s. I remember the first time I saw Garden State it was because my boyfriend’s house mate said to me “You have got to see this movie because the girl in it is just like you!” I heard the same thing about Kirsten Dunst in Elizabethtown, Kate Hudson in

geo blocked :(

or every parent would have beaten up kids.

ha ha no its terrible. Someone disagrees with me and I’m like ‘I Love your point! and you! and that you just carried on being you and speaking your truth! I love it! group hug!’

its not you its me - I have the soul of a golden retriever and I like 99% of characters in shows.

I thought way too much about this because it bothered me too. She had her children in her late 40's after 8 years of marriage was the impression I had.

I related to Andrea because she was so desperately idealistic and naively trusting.

I sobbed into my dog. it killed me. I totally get why she did what she did with her boyfriend and his friend.

What got me through the first two books/movies of BJ was that I liked Bridget. She was silly about men, and delusional about her looks, but she was charming and I would like to be her friend.