
it is the dog fucking tag that bothered me.

actually there is a correlation between AS and bisexuality, but I don’t think that anything has been definitively proven yet.

What’s wrong with not wanting to use a term? Language evolves, nuances change. ‘Queer’ was originally a derogatory term for a homosexual man. Now it isn’t. Look at the evolution of acceptable language surrounding transpeople, the birth of terms for intersex people - language evolves as new needs arise.

It sounds very gross.

some of us don’t. I don’t, although I used to pretend I did to fit in.

I have personally been the recipient of:

... and don’t ever expect someone who is 'monosexual' in either way to ever understand the invisibility and lack of cultural context we have.

That’s some formidable sporting prowess right there. I mean, it is in the water so I suppose a bikini is sensible - no sleeves to get in the way.

I didn’t know having a distinct sexual identity made one special. I thought it made one equal.

Goodness, Lucy Millsap looks to be quite the noodler. Bow down!

but I don’t want a catch-all, or to be safe, or to have people ‘out of my business’! a lesbian can say ‘I am a lesbian’ and people know what that means. A gay man can say ‘I am gay’ and that is his identity to some extent.

it does rather imply a level of physical fitness to which I do not subscribe.....

I got ‘guddle’ from a Scotsman but wow....'noodling' is a whole new kettle

.....bit of a philosophical question for Jezebel, no?

it’s only really appropriate for trout streams or fisting.

This is weird because I was sitting behind two teens/early 20’s girls in a food court the other day and noticed that when they took a selfie together they did not touch heads. They held their heads apart and sort of leaned away from each other. Then I realised that my 20ish friends do the same thing. its like a 2

I like that.

If you say 'poly' people probably think 'poyamorous' anyway.

you could whisper it at people in a slightly Germanic accent, with an eyebrow raise.

Do we like the word viscose....... jury still out on that one....