
Hence my phrasing, "..does not let the average user create their own worlds, stories, and adventures...". A programmer and game developer are not average users. They are professionals.

But playing a rpg with a DM forces you to use your imagination. Also, exercising minor mental tasks like trivial math is good for you (I hesitate to call adding and subtracting math - it is more like counting). A digital game, as of yet, does not let the average user create their own worlds, stories, and adventures.

I loathed 4E's artwork. I do like the 5E art but my favorite was when the books included Larry Elmore's stuff.

You couldn't be more wrong. I have played 3E/3.5/Pathfinder for 14 years now. 5th is more deadly period. In fact, that has been a major complaint and has led to somewhat of a divide between people like me who started back in 1E AD&D and like our games to be deadly and people who played 3E-4E and want to feel like

You think it is an error of humanity to put down the digital input, pick up some dice, crunch some numbers, exercise your imagination, eat snacks, hang out with friends, have a blast, and knock back some drinks all in one event? You must be a blast at parties.

Also, just because you wrote a blog doesn't grant you

Many people hate this image. I love it. My wife really loves it and uses it for her halfling bard.

I highly recommend the D&D 5E beginner's box. You get dice, an adventure that takes your players to level 5, and pre-made character sheets. The adventure is really good and the dice are decent quality. Amazon has it for $12.99. Pathfinder is a great game and their beginner box is an amazing value because you also

Oh okay. On second thought that isn't that OP. A two weapon fighter gets to hit twice. So dual wielding scimitars at level 1 could have the potential to do 2d6+6(or even 8). The wizard can cast that spell twice at level 1 but the fighter can attack like that on every turn. At max damage in 2 rounds the wizard has

I am pretty sure that the experiment that you are referring to was studying neutrinos. The results showed neutrinos exceeding the speed of light. It was tracked down to a loose fiber optic cable. That particular experiment had nothing to do with the Higgs.

Err...not sure which debacle you are referring to. The god particle is a mostly hated (among scientists and even Higgs himself) nickname for the Higgs Boson. When a strong candidate was discovered it was announced by scientists as so. The current status:

"CMS and ATLAS have compared a number of options for the

Scratch my previous post. At level 11 you get 4 weapon attacks. Since your OH attack is a bonus action and you only get 1 bonus action per turn then that is 3 standard attacks plus 1 bonus attack. So 4*mean(1d6+6)=4*(9.5) = 38 damage per turn without taking into account crit range 19-20 or the action surge. So in

An attack means that you can strike with both weapons. If you do not have two weapon fighting specialization you can still do this, however, you can't add your ability score bonus to your offhand attack. In the PHB it is under two weapon fighting which has an entry in the index (maybe pg 175ish?). Not sure where it

At level 11 a fighter can make 3 attacks + 1 extra attack with action surge in between short rests. If the fighter is going for straight damage, he takes two weapon fighting style and wields two scimitars doing 1d6 damage each. At level 11 he could easily have 20 strength and so his damage roll per weapon strike is

Not sure what the story would be. Pathfinder cloned a game and expanded the content. It isn't really a new system. In fact, it is old news. 5E is a whole new system.

I think you are the only one saying these things about 5E though. I haven't heard this as of yet anywhere else. Write a blog that lays out your maths in detail and I will gladly check this. Also, a fighter is tough as nails. He has the ability to regain hit points while in combat and has a higher AC and more HP.

Okay WotC designed a game that loads of DnD fans didn't like. They attempted to make it successful but it was a sinking ship. They got out. You can still play it. They didn't open up a factory in China and work children to death. There are real morality issues that corporations have that are worth boycotting -

Sweet thanks. As a DM, I am deferring to our rogue to know that class inside out because he is an rpg vet that has thus far been honest. I need to read through it again. In the group I am playing with I am a fighter.

Seriously. My wife is playing a halfling bard and the rest of the players were kind of giggling about it, well they got into a sticky situation the other night involving too many bugbears and she cast faerie fire in the first round giving everyone who attacked the ones affected advantage and so pretty much everyone

I'll have to run the numbers when I get home and have my book in front of me. I feel like you are missing something here. Did you take into account all of the fighters extra attacks per turn here? At some point it gets to 5 or 6 per turn vs. the wizards one spell. Also, the fighter can increase his crit score

1. No the feats are much more powerful than they were in Pathfinder. Basically, the problem myself and many had with feats in 3/3.5E was that you had to pay a feat tax to get your archer fighter, for example, to not be a burden to the party. This didn't allow much room for adding in feats that fit your character