
No it isn't - and it was clearly labeled with color and a color map. He was doing it because it is known that tree ring data in Northern latitudes are diverging (again this has been known and publicly discussed since 1995 and handled using the same mathematical techniques) from current measurements. This is thought

Agnostic atheist here. I do not believe in what I cannot know. To me agnosticism is a statement about knowledge and atheism is a statement about belief. I have never met an atheist who claims that they can know that there is no God and therefore do not believe.

Climategate? Really? You do realize that the claims made on the news were completely bogus. My favorite "...use Mike's trick to hide the decline...". That was the quote from the emails that got the most attention. The actual email read:

"I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps to

Same here. I think this means we are cyclopses.

The core rulebook has everything you need to play. The DM guide and monster manual just expand on that. If the player's handbook is comparible to the core rule book then $50 isn't bad. If a DM needs all 3 books to play it is nuts.

3.5E books were the one's sought after they were discontinued and the after market price shot up to higher than their MSRP price. Edition 3.0 was cheap though.

I think that all you will need to play and DM is the "player's handbook". Like with pathfinder, the GM guide just expands on the gm section in the core rulebook. Maybe they should have called the player's guide the "core rulebook". If this is not the case, then I agree - that price is way too high.

"down" isn't how I'd describe riding off into the sunset with almost a billion dollars from the sale of an NBA franchise

There are specific genetic mutations in cells that are associated with an increased risk for cancer. By growing these specifically they can study how the chemicals affect these risk factors and keep the samples homogeneous. The control group would be a batch of these mutated cells left alone (A). The two test groups

Thanks - I had lobotomized the part of my brain that held the memory of this movie. Now I have to do it again and it really hurts when the only tool you have is a rusty spoon.

That is why I love him - he reminds me of myself if you replace elves with wife. Yes I have a battle horn.

I very much dislike the show. During the first few episodes I though it was funny, however, the ongoing gags in the show are so overdone and based off of untrue stereotypes. Namely, that geeks and women do not mix. I have been a fan of comic books, sci-fi fantasy, dungeons and dragons, and mmos for as long as I can

It isn't. People are dumb. Also, dominoes isn't calling it a chicken crust pizza.

As far as I can tell, Dominoes is calling this "Specialty Chicken" not chicken crust pizza. Nothing weird here. Just chicken parm.

Exactly. This is not weird - just chicken parm with toppings. People are dumb. Additionally, for diabetics and people watching carbs this is a pretty damn convenient meal.

I don't get why people think this is crazy. It is basically a chicken Parmesan with a few toppings.

Nutritionally it is not really that bad if eaten as a meal. The carb count is really low and 3 servings (12 pieces) only puts 510 calories into your body and with all of the fat and protein one would feel very satiated after consuming it. This is a pretty decent meal for diabetics who are in a hurry or for

You see I hated it. Your issues with the Dawn of the Dead remake are the same issues I had with Land of the Dead.

Relative to other zombie flicks it wasn't that bad. Have you seen "land of the dead"?

I can see it now - millions of these things, chasing people down the streets while simultaneously dancing and butchering us all.