
The production company is Zombie Orpheus entertainment - a very pro gaming movie company so I think its tongue and cheek. Check out their movies Gamers Dorkness Rising and their web series Journey Quest.

That is not a nimon. Nimon's have horns not eye tentacle things.

Oh okay. I was thinking damn grad programs have gotten so specialized since I was in school. Any thoughts to going back?

No Murray, no Raimis, now no Reitman. No thank you.

Do you mean that your dissertation topic was QCD in a physics department or that your actual major was QCD? I never knew you could have the latter. I have a PhD in physics with an emphasis in a subfield, however I would say my major was physics and not the subfield. Just curious. I recognized several of the

Moriarty is a real name. At my new job there is a Dr. Moriarty down the hall from me and he used to be a professor. I am keeping my eye on that one...

One word answer to what?

I've owned both. Cats are definitely independent, and maybe cats are about as smart as my shitzu (he is a moron but I love him), but the ones that I have had are nowhere near as smart as my lab - not even in the same ballpark.

Not a MacGuffin.

The ring is not interchangeable - by definition a MacGuffin must be. I gave the example above using Resevoir Dogs. The diamonds could be swapped out with anything of value (like a Picasso) and the movie still works. Or the briefcase in Pulp Fiction. The ring cannot be swapped out. Its power and history are too

The one ring isn't a Macguffin. To be a Macguffin, the object has to be interchangeable. So for example, the diamonds in reservoir dogs could be interchanged with any object of value - say a Picasso - and the movie still works. The one ring has a purpose and it has to be the ring. I can't change the ring with a

Exactly. I use natural units because I can't even remember my phone number.

That is what he gets for using CGS units instead of natural units.

How do you know that without knowing what food the label describes? Did I miss that somewhere? I thought it was just an example label that describes a fictional food. 2/3 cup of water has more mass than 2/3 cup of sugar after all.

I entertained the idea too for about a nanosecond - but I think I am busier post-PhD than I was as a grad student (I know as a grad student you are asking yourself "how can that be possible?"). Good luck with your PhD work!

This video is only mind blowing if you consider it to be a conventional sum. Additionally, the proof he offers here isn't very robust. Really this only works if you sum in a certain way, called a Ramanujan summation. It really equals (-1/12)(R) where the R indicates that you've summed it as a Ramanujan summation.

In the prequels, the characters barely had any development - and we rarely saw any friendships develop. For example, the scene in Episode II where Anakin and Obiwan are in the elevator recalling the hijinks that had off camera was painful to watch. The originals are definately flawed but the characters were great

Also, the original name of Atlanta back in the day was Terminus.

My wife is asian. She eats a broth for breakfast, sushi for lunch, and a rice a meat and vegetable for dinner. She rarely eats bread or sugary foods. I would estimate that her total net carbs (carbs-fiber) is well under 100mg per day. That is a low carb diet.